How to make a live on Instagram with three people

Instagram continues to expand functions so that users can take full advantage of the application. In addition to the publications or stories with which you share content, you can broadcast in real time in what are known as “direct”. Until now, you could only add one user to those live shows, but the platform is going to launch the option to expand the number of guests. If you love directing, you should know how to do a direct on Instagram with 3 people.

This new Instagram function is the “live rooms” and in them you can talk in real time with up to 3 people. Something very useful for example to chat with several friends, do interviews or whatever else you can think of.

To start a “live room” you must first open the application and slide the screen from left to right to get the live option or go to the home screen and click on the camera that appears in the upper right. There you must select “direct”. Then you must click on the three lines to add a title and touch the rooms icon to add users.

In addition to the users who have requested to join your live show, you can add others who are watching you at that time. In the live you can add to the contacts little by little they do not have to be all three at the same time . The screen will be divided into up to four parts so that everyone can see each other. The guests to your live can leave whenever they want or you can end the live with them and you can invite different ones later.


As can be done on WhatsApp, Telegram or Facebook on Instagram you can also transmit a video call. The way to do it will not be difficult since it is very similar to those applications that we just mentioned.

The video call on Instagram can be made to all the contacts we have on the platform without using any extra application. We just have to follow the person with whom we want to make the video call and he or she must also follow our account.

To make the video call on Instagram, just open the application and slide your finger from right to left on the screen. The list of chats will open and a camera icon will appear at the top next to your username. Click on it and select the contact to start the video call. Your contact has the option to decline or accept that video call.

If you have started to transmit a video call on Instagram, but you do not get a response from the contact you have called, the application will send a notification telling them that you have made a video call.


If you are doing a live on Instagram and for whatever reason you want to invite a user to chat with him or her, you can send him an invitation to join as long as he is seeing you at that moment.

First you must start the solo live by opening Instagram and sliding your finger from left to right on the screen. Or if you are on the home screen you must touch the camera icon that appears in the upper left. Click on “start live video”.

Then you just have to touch the icon that appears on the right with the name “Add” . If you accept the screen it will be divided in two and you will be able to see the user right below you. You can end the live with that person simply by pressing the X-shaped icon that appears on the split screen.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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