How to make a live stream on Instagram


  • 1What is live broadcast
    • 1Positive
    • 2Cons
  • 2How to turn on live broadcast
    • 1Share live stream (how to add another user)
  • 3How to download, share, delete ether after completion
  • 4No button live on Instagram
    • 1Updates
    • 2Outdated smartphone
    • 3Support

Users are increasingly preferring a natural and natural format of content, preferring it to polished posts and pre-prepared texts under them.

One of the options for this format is live broadcast. Let’s figure out how to make a live stream on Instagram, and also consider the option of sharing a stream with another user.

What is live broadcast

Live streaming involves streaming video in real time, allowing you to communicate directly with your audience. Live video has a number of positive and negative points:


  1. The unambiguous positive aspects of the function include establishing closer contact with subscribers. Seeing your favorite blogger in live format establishes a more trusting attitude and shows that the author is closer to the audience.
  2. Direct inclusion allows you to tell many interesting stories from life without dividing the video into many short video format stories.
  3. It is worth considering that streams have priority in the story feed and are displayed first, which allows you to get a greater reach of viewers.


  1. The unambiguous disadvantages include the impossibility of editing the material. While regular publications allow you to think about the angle and work in photo editors, the live mode is very limited and implies a more “natural” video format.
  2. Live will not allow you to deliver a well-thought-out speech and requires a rich vocabulary and delivered speech from the host.
  3. Many people are not ready to spend this amount of time watching content, so you should prepare for a more modest viewer rate.

How to turn on live broadcast

  1. To activate the desired mode, tap on the camera icon in the corner of the screen.
  2. Scroll to the left of the list of modes and find Live TV.
  3. It remains to tap on the large circle in the center, and the system will automatically start sending notifications about the start of the broadcast.

Share live stream (how to add another user)

In 2018, Instagram developers introduced the co-broadcast feature. This divides the screen in half and distributes 2 images evenly across the screen. This is a great way to invite another blogger and discuss an interesting topic together in a dialogue format.

  1. To conduct a joint broadcast, you need to start it by clicking on the corresponding menu item.
  2. The second user must then submit a request to participate as a guest.
  3. After the request, you will receive a notification, accept the application received, and the system will automatically connect the second user.

How to download, share, delete ether after completion

The ability to download, delete, and post the recording is in the final stages of the broadcast completion.

  1. If you decide that it’s time to end the stream, tap on the “Finish” button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. After confirming the intention, a window will appear where you can choose from the following functions:
  • Share in history – places the recorded material in the feed of subscribers’ stories for 24 hours, after which it is deleted forever.
  • Delete – immediately and permanently deletes the conducted stream without the possibility of recovery and placement.
  • Down arrow icon – allows you to download video to the device memory. It should be borne in mind that the video can take up a large amount of free memory.

How to download live stream from Instagram

No button live on Instagram

Some users note the lack of a direct connection point on their smartphones. There are several reasons for this:


The first step is to check for Instagram updates on your smartphone. It is not uncommon when the auto update of applications is turned off and new functions simply did not load.

Outdated smartphone

The second most popular possible reason for the lack of the coveted button is an outdated device. On older smartphones, some functions are simply not supported and it will not be possible to fix the situation. The only option is to buy a new device.


If you are sure that the first 2 points are irrelevant. We recommend that you write to the technical support of the service and describe the situation in detail. Often, specialists promptly respond to letters and help to understand the problem.

Now you know how to make a live broadcast on Instagram. During your conversation, try to relax and be more natural by interacting with the audience as if you were close friends. This will generate more credibility and boost interest in the channel.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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