How to get rewards in League of Legends?

As is becoming a common custom in these types of games, it is possible to get rewards in LoL for users and spectators. In other words, you can make a profit just by watching their games.

How to Get Rewards in League of Legends – Drops LoL

Do not forget that the professionalism of eSports only grows. This, mixed in turn with the interactivity of the digital world, demands particular actions from responsible companies.

For this reason, the Riot Games team has implemented the well-known Drops system . This basically consists of a prize system and if you want to opt for any of them, stay tuned.

The Drops

The implementation of this system had already been announced well in advance, but its launch was delayed for different reasons. Once applied, this allows players to earn rewards in League by viewing matches.

What does this mean? That at certain times during the game a link or code will be shown that must be removed manually. In this way, you can claim things like skins or chests.

You can also buy skins or chests in the game store, as well as champions. You just need to acquire more influence points.

At the moment its application is planned for the League of Legends European Championship (LEC) and the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS). However, this does not prevent its implementation from being increased in the future and the interaction options from being expanded.

In any case, the idea is to increase the possibility of obtaining a drop as the leagues advance to make the competition even more exciting. It also aims to reward community loyalty and encourage participation.

How to get rewards in LoL?

To obtain the rewards available through drops, it is only necessary to complete a couple of simple steps. First, you must have an active Riot Games account and log in to the portal where the games are streaming. For this you must  log in .

Now you just have to wait for a game and be active on the page during its development, in addition to being very attentive. At the moment it has only been implemented for live shows , but the idea of ​​expanding the spectrum in the not-so-distant future is not ruled out.

During the game certain situations will occur that will stand out particularly above the others. This can be a pentakill or the theft of a baron and even the destruction of a turret, it is at this time that the drop will appear.

The idea is to plan the drops so that getting rewards in LoL is associated with some “historical fact” and increases the excitement of the game. This being the case, it is also possible that they are awarded at the end of the game or in games especially expected by the audience.

In this way, when they appear on twitch, all you have to do is click on the drop and that’s it. All those that you have claimed will appear in your account, so you can do a detailed follow-up.

It is expected that throughout the season the chances for viewers of getting a drop will increase, so perseverance will be rewarded.

Is it fair to get rewards in League by watching games?

The answer is a resounding yes. With actions like this, what is sought is to attract and consolidate an audience that understands video games as more than a hobby.

Esports deserves to be treated with the same seriousness as other sports on a professional level, but the prejudices it faces are undeniable. These practices are an extra effort that also exploits the particularities of the medium and allows greater interaction with the audience.

If you haven’t claimed any drops yet, don’t wait any longer and run to the lolesports page . Not only will you have the opportunity to earn rewards in LoL, but you will also support the industry for the benefit of the entire gamer community.

In the League of Legends game, the most important thing is to develop as a player, gaining skills and improving battle strategies. In this world there are games like Master Tactics or House Wars that will help you develop as a player and as a member of a team.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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