How To Fix Instagram Live Streaming Doesn’t Work

About two years ago, the social network Instagram introduced a new feature called Live Stream, which is popular with both people with personal accounts and bloggers with a large audience. In this format, they conduct lectures, master classes, answer questions, show beautiful places on travel, collect subscribers for creative gatherings and just chat with friends. However, some of those who would like to try to launch a live broadcast are surprised to find that they do not have such a function, or it was, but was lost. Why this is happening and how you can fix it, read further in our article.

Methods for eliminating errors in starting a live stream on Instagram.

Why Instagram Live Streaming Doesn’t Work

If you opened the camera on Instagram and did not manage to find the function to turn on live broadcast, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Outdated phone model.
  2. Doubtful firmware.
  3. You haven’t updated Instagram for a long time.
  4. You just created an account.
  5. There was a technical glitch in the application itself (this is extremely rare).

If there is a button with a proposal to broadcast, but the broadcast “crashes” in the process, freezes or does not start, then pay attention to the following:

  1. Accumulated cache and junk in the device.
  2. Phone settings that prevent applications from accessing the camera, microphone, etc., and power saving settings.
  3. Internet speed and quality.
  4. Actions of optimization programs, antiviruses, application managers.

Why there is no live stream on Instagram

Let’s start with a situation where the function of launching a live broadcast itself is absent. If you have recently created an account, then wait a few days: users do not immediately get access to all features. If you wait for a long time, you can write to the support service and ask to fix the defect. Try updating the application: this may be the reason. Even if you have automatic updates set up , check for new packages. Sometimes, due to the settings for saving traffic, they remain unset.

On iPhone

Even outdated iPhones are very popular due to their good camera, various functions, durability, reliability and prestige of the brand. However, some models, due to the age of their iOS, cannot support live streaming on Instagram. These are modifications such as:

  • iPhone 3GS.
  • iPhone 4.
  • iPhone 4S.

In this case, doing something other than replacing the phone is pointless. The system is unable to work with the new features of Instagram.

On Android

The same trouble can happen to the owners of outdated Android: open the “About phone” section in “Settings” and see the version of the system, and then correlate it with the current requirements of Instagram. For some reason, even a flashing does not always give the desired results, and there is still no live broadcast on Instagram. Also, in budget smartphones, even with the new OS, there are certain technical restrictions for applications, and broadcasts may not work. This applies to devices in the price range up to 5,000 rubles. They have a small amount of memory , low power and other features that prevent access to all software functions.

If ether crashes

Now let’s consider the problem when the function of starting the broadcast is there, but it does not work, or the live stream on Instagram hangs, is interrupted, slows down, etc.

  1. First of all, it is worth checking the quality of your connection: try connecting to another Wi-Fi point or using mobile Internet, as well as removing the limit on traffic consumption.
  2. Open the section on energy saving in Settings and see if there are any conditions under which the system can turn off the application itself in order to save battery.
  3. In the same place, in “Settings”, expand “All applications”, find Instagram and check if all permissions are granted to it.
  4. If you have a program that monitors the state of the system, take a look at its settings. Very often, optimization applications stop software when it seems to them that it is consuming a lot of resources.
  5. Clear memory from cache. This can be done through “Settings” – “Applications” – “Clear application cache” or using built-in smart cleaners (they are, for example, in LG G4 and Xiaomi smartphones) and the aforementioned optimizer programs.

Why Instagram isn’t showing live feed in the feed

Sometimes it happens that the broadcast is going great, there are no glitches, but in the general Stories feed, subscribers do not see it either in real time or after saving. Here the problem is not with your phone, but with the device that the potential viewer uses:

  1. The application version is out of date.
  2. The user is not subscribed to your profile.
  3. The user is not subscribed to your profile.
  4. You have set up privacy in such a way that certain subscribers have lost access to your broadcasts.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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