Fable Anniversary is a remaster of Fable: The Lost Chapters from Lion Head Studios and Microsoft Game Studios. The remake was released on Steam in 2014, and there are no plans for a Linux release. However, with some tweaks, you can get the game to work on Linux.
How to make Fable Anniversary work on Linux
Fable Anniversary is a game for Microsoft Windows. However, it works pretty well on Linux thanks to Proton and Steam Play. Therefore, if you want to play this game on your system, you must install the Linux version of Steam.
Install Steam
Installing the Linux version of Steam is relatively easy, and most importantly, it is supported on almost all Linux operating systems. For the application to work, you must open a terminal window on your Linux desktop.
Opening a terminal window on your Linux desktop is very easy. To do this, press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard. Or find “Terminal” in the application menu and launch it that way. Then follow the Steam installation instructions that match the Linux OS you are using.
On Ubuntu, the Steam app can be installed using the apt install command .
sudo apt install steam
If you want Steam to work with Debian , you need to download the latest Steam DEB package from Valve. To get the latest Steam DEB package file, use the following wget download command below.
wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb
After downloading the Steam DEB package to your computer, you can begin installation. Install Steam on Debian using the dpkg command .
sudo dpkg -i steam.deb
After the Steam DEB package is installed on your computer, you will need to fix any dependency issues that may have occurred during the installation process. To do this, use the command apt-get install -f .
sudo apt-get install -f
Arch Linux
Steam is available to all Arch Linux users through the “multilib” software repository. That being said, this software repository is not always enabled by default. To enable it, run the file /etc/pacman.confin your favorite text editor (as root).
Once the file is open in a text editor, find “Multilib” and remove the # in front of it. Then remove the # character from the lines just below it. Finally, save your edits.
After saving the changes to the file, resynchronize your Arch Linux system with the official Arch servers using the pacman -Syy command .
sudo pacman -Syy
After setting up the multilib software repository, install the latest version of Steam on Arch Linux using the pacman -S command .
sudo pacman -S steam
Fedora / OpenSUSE
In Fedora Linux, so users can install via Steam repository software included in the operating system and OpenSUSE Linux. However, these Steam versions tend to perform worse than the Steam Flatpak release, so we recommend following these instructions instead.
If you plan on using the Steam Flatpak edition, you must install the Steam Runtime. To install the latest version of the Flatpak runtime on your computer, follow our guide on this matter .
After setting up the Flatpak runtime, you can install Steam. Using the two commands below, start Steam.
flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam
Install Fable Anniversary on Linux
Once you’ve installed the Steam app, open it. Then follow the step by step instructions below to get Fable Anniversary working on your Linux system.
Step 1: Open the “Steam” menu and select the “Settings” button inside. After clicking this button, you will have access to the Steam settings area. In the Steam Settings area, find the “Steam Play” section. Then check the boxes for “Enable Steam Play for Supported Games” and “Enable Steam Play for All Other Games.”
Step 2: Inside Steam, find the Store button and click on it. Then click the search box and type “Fable Anniversary”. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to view the search results.
Browse the search results for “Fable Anniversary” and click on it. Selecting Fable Anniversary will take you to the game page.
Step 3: On the Fable Anniversary store page, find the green Add to Cart button and click it. After you click this button, you can go through the purchase process for the game.
Step 4: After you’ve purchased Fable Anniversary, find the Library button and click on it to access your Steam library of games. Then find “Fable Anniversary” and select it.
After selecting a game, find the blue INSTALL button and select it with your mouse. When you click on this button, the game will be installed on your computer.
Step 5: When Fable Anniversary is installed on your computer, the blue button will turn into a green PLAY button. Click the “PLAY” button to start the game.