How to disable “Ok Google”

The command to invoke the Google Assistant is “Ok Google” , although we have probably wondered how to deactivate this command to increase our privacy, because the smartphone constantly listens to the environment.

An Android mobile, unlike a Google Home , does not allow you to completely disable the microphone . Therefore, when using the voice activation of the Google Assistant, the phone is at all times with the microphone on to know if we want to use it.

Although Google offers us some really useful services, we may prefer greater privacy on the Internet . It is not an easy task due to the terms of use and privacy of certain services, generating situations such as Google controlling our location even after disabling it .

Luckily, deactivating the “Ok Google” command is really easy, and here are the steps to follow:

  • First we invoke the Google Assistant , either by saying “Ok, Google” or by long pressing on the Android home button (shaped like a circle).
  • We slide up.
  • We click on our Google account , which is shown as a circular icon in the upper right corner.
  • Next, we go to the ” Assistant ” section.
  • At the bottom, we will be shown a series of ” Devices with the Assistant “, and we will click on ” Telephone “.
  • Finally, we will click on the right side where it says ” Ok Google ” and we will disable it.

Actually, the process is very simple and will be useful for those users who are more jealous of their privacy.

Now, we must think that this behavior is not exclusive to the Google Assistant. All voice-activated assistants, including Siri or Alexa , access the microphone to open as soon as we say the corresponding keywords, unless we explicitly decide to disable them.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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