How to Create and Verify a PlayStation Network Account on PS4 Easily

In order to access the PlayStation Network and thus be able to use all its services, you must create an account and then verify it. Do not worry about spending money, since the creation of the account is done for free.

If this is the first time you have your PS4 and you access it, you must configure the settings. Once this is done, select the option “User 1” then choose “next”. Now, if this is the first time you use PlayStation Network, click on “Create account” and also select the option to “register now.”

Later you must follow all the instructions that appear on the screen, it is very likely that you need to update the system software. But don’t worry because your PS4 will update it automatically when connecting to the internet .

Creating and verifying your account is PlayStation Network is very simple

To carry out this procedure, you need to do the following steps, in this order: when you turn on your PS4, select “New user” followed by “create a user.” In the same way, you must follow all the instructions that appear specified on the screen to be able to associate it with the account.

Remember that you cannot enter false information , because you would be committing a violation in terms of the PSN terms of service and you will not be able to recover your account in the future.

Likewise, a local ID must be created where you must add your name and surname; Remember that the online ID consists of the public name that the rest of the users will see.

Then you can configure the sharing, friends and messages settings which are found on three screens. In addition, if you are a minor, the creation process will remain until this point and you must ask for the help of an adult to log in with their account and in this way be able to authorize access to PSN of yours.

Another alternative is to play offline until you complete this step, you just have to read and accept the terms of the services offered by PSN. You should also check your email inbox because a verification message is sent, in many cases you can find the message in the spam folder.

In the event that the message does not appear, you can request help or you can request that the email be sent again with the verification link. With these simple steps and after verification you will have created your account on PlayStation Network.

Activate 2-step verification

You can perform 2-Step Verification to ensure that only you can access your PlayStation Network account. In this way, you will avoid the inconvenience of third parties who want to carry out unwanted starts.

Similarly, every time you log in to your PS4 console, you will automatically receive a code through a text message that you must enter after your login ID along with your password. For this reason, if you are not the only user who uses the console, it is recommended to activate the verification. You can also enter the PlayStation Store or Network with another PS4

Remember that you must have your login ID details in addition to your password at hand before activating 2-Step Verification. For this reason we will explain in detail how to create this verification.

First you must go to “Settings” look for the option “Account Manager” then “account information” and finally click on “security”. Then you must log into your account if you have logged out. Select the “Two-Step Verification” option and then click on “configure now.”

Next you must add the number of your mobile phone, remember that this will be the number where the verification will arrive through text messages. So after adding the number you will get a code, enter it in the PS4 console.

Then a message is sent to your mobile to verify the activation, also on the next screen you will see that the two-step verification has been activated.

Finally we hope that this article has been of help to you, however we would like to know . Could you create and verify your PlayStation Network account? Leave us your answer in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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