How to contact PayPal support easily

Paypal may possibly be the most widely used digital platform for making payments and receiving money in the world. It has a great security system that offers its users peace of mind and stability. However, it may occasionally have some flaws.

In case of difficulties or limitations with the account or at the time of receiving or sending money there is a problem, there is always the possibility of contacting the technical service that is always ready to provide support.

Despite this, it is not always easy to be able to communicate with Paypal’s technical service , and even more so in times of quarantine , when communications have become much more complicated for everyone.

There are several ways to contact the technical service, so if you need to contact them to solve any problem in your account, in the following article we will explain how to contact the Paypal technical service easily.


Paypal Help Center

The platform has a help center where it responds to common problems. You do not necessarily make contact with technical support since this is the first part, where are the most basic solutions that any user can perform. Among the following options we find:

Password and account access

In this section you can get answers to common problems such as problems logging in and reporting unauthorized access or unknown charges.


It is usually the section where more doubts arise, since here you can solve problems such as withholdings, rejections, balance and funds .

Among the options you can request help with money transfers, currency exchanges, withdraw funds, withholdings on payments, reimbursement among others.

Profile and account settings

With this option you will receive help on how to change some values ​​of your profile such as email, your phone number and credit card .

There are other solutions in the help center that may be helpful, especially if you have a business account .


Paypal Community Center

In this option you can get in touch with other users who have presented problems similar to those you can present. In this way, users can respond more quickly and efficiently to questions or problems that may arise.

Due to the security precautions of the coronavirus, the Paypal staff is reduced and for this reason this initiative arises. In the Paypal community center you can find quick answers in a forum created by the platform’s user community.

The forum is organized in multiple folders and topics and each of the topics has more than 100 posted messages, so interaction and promptness is guaranteed. This can be a good way to solve your problems without contacting technical service.

Resolution Center

The Paypal resolution center is used to resolve a large number of issues involved between two accounts . These include: problems with transactions, reporting unauthorized activity, and resolving limitations and disputes.

By entering the resolution center we can locate the transaction in question that we want to resolve and make the relevant claim.

Send an e-mail

With this alternative we will have to log into our account and click on the option to send an email . There you must choose a topic and a subtopic related to your problem.

Briefly write the problem you are presenting with your account and click the continue button. In this way you will be able to contact Paypal technical support and you will receive a response in a period of 24 to 72 hours.

Call Paypal technical support directly

Finally, you will have the option of being able to contact Paypal directly through a direct call . This is usually the most direct alternative, however, it is often difficult to communicate with an operator and more so in times of Covid-19.

The number to contact Paypal technical support is 1-402-935-2050 and they are open to the public from 4 am and 10 pm Pacific time. This schedule is valid Monday through Friday, since Saturdays and Sundays, business hours are 6 am and 8 pm Pacific time.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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