How to clean all Genshin Impact stains

While Genshin Impact has a lot to do in its current state, myHoYo has shared a roadmap for 2020 that includes release dates for version 1.1 and the Dragonspine area. The ability to unlock Dragonspine is scheduled for Christmas, while version 1.1 is scheduled for November and will add four new characters.

But, away from future content, characters and unlockable areas, below you will find out how to clean up all the stains for Cleanup At Dawn.

The Cleanup At Dawn side quest in Genshin Impact is unlocked by talking to Adeline outside of Dawn’s Winery.

You’ll find Adeline outside Dawn’s Winery in Genshin Impact, and you’ll find her putting down a couple of teenage maids.

All you need to do is walk up to the overbearing boss, listen to her scold her “useless” maids, and then offer to clean up the mess like a good boy or girl.

Once you’ve done that, the Cleanup At Dawn side quest will unlock and all you need to do is enter the cellar.

How to clean all stains on Genshin Impact

You will need a Hydro character to clean up all the stains for Cleanup At Dawn in Genshin Impact.

The easiest way to clean up all the stains on Genshin Impact is to unlock Barbara and use her to remove the mess.

As long as you create an account before the version 1.1 release date in November, Barbara will be unlocked for free upon reaching Adventure Rank 20.

Assuming you’ve gotten a Hydro character or at least Barbara, all you need to do is get close to the spots and use your water skills / attacks.

There are only four stains you need to clean up for Cleanup At Dawn, and they are all on the first floor.

They are practically impossible to miss, as the spots are large gray puddles. Two can be found on the red carpet in the center of the room, another can be found on the side of the room opposite Elzer, and the last can be found on the opposite side.


by Abdullah Sam
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