Holguin Way of Charity

Holguin Way of Charity . In Holguín this belief had old roots. The Holguin territory was linked to the emergence of the myth of the Virgin . According to this, it was in the waters of the Nipe Bay that they found the image on a floating board. Three neighbors from those shores rescued her and began to worship her figure. Holguin families frequently undertook a pilgrimage to the El Cobre sanctuary where his image was placed.


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  • 1 Religion, dedications and locality
    • 1 New cult
  • 2 Ascension of the Charity of Copper
  • 3 Reference
  • 4 Source

Religion, dedications and locality

There is no direct news of the organization and activity of the Church in the territory until the year 1692 . From the previous years it can only be assumed. Between 1513 and 1540 , the period of the Encomiendas, archeology has defined remains so far of nine probable ones within the limits of the current Province in Banes , Alcalá de Holguín and Barajagua .

These Encomiendas functioned as the first integrating and defining protocells of the new colonial culture, being possible to suppose an important religious magic syncretism around the Christian imposition. In addition to the formal evangelical work of the encomenderos, the activity of a friar or priest was occasionally possible. The figures of the cult must have functioned in relation to the main figures of the Christian cult. Following Father Las Casas, the Virgin Mary was the main center of the propagated iconography.

New cult

This expansion of the new cult should not have been easy due to the aboriginal resistance to colonial exploitation, an example of which may be the Encomienda de Alcalá in 1538 , in which the Indians worked as peaceful farmers during the day and assaulted the ranchers at night. Spanish people. In any case, for the surviving indigenous population, the transcultured cult had to actively contribute on the spiritual plane to the conformation of a new identity.

The 4 of April of 1545 Garcia Holguin former owner of the Encomienda now known by the Yuyal, after a probable composition process, obtained the mercy of a Hato and opens possession under the invocation of San Isidoro .

In 1613 , following the traditional history, now more clarified after the study of Dr. Olga Portuondo , the Indian brothers Rodrigo and Juan de Hoyos, together with the Creole slave boy Juan Moreno , when they were looking for salt in the salt flats of Nipe Bay, they found floating the image of the Virgin of Charity.

First, the image was settled in a hut in the seat of the Hato de Barajagua, before being transferred to the copper mines. Much later, in 1689 , under the echoes of the Diocesan Council of Bishop Tres Palacios, his follower Bishop Compostela authorized the creation of the first Hermitage in the Holguín Bayamés Party , based on the interests of the Ávila González de Rivera family.

Don Diego de Ávila y Delmonte and Juan Albanés have told that on October 5, 1692 the hermitage was inaugurated under the invocation of the Virgen del Rosario, one of the Marian invocations, in recognition of María del Rosario de Ávila , wife of Juan González de Rivera and Oveda , hateros promoters of the event.

In 1709 the hermitage moved from the hermitage of Managuaco to that of Las Cuevas, to the place of Las Guásumas and was transformed into a church in 1712 , its first priest being Juan González de Herrera , maintaining the cult of the Virgen del Rosario.

Between 1716 and 1719 the Church was moved to the old bramadero del Hato from 1545, a place chosen to build the Town of Holguín, then in the process of demarcation and construction. The Church was inaugurated on April 4, 1720 under the dedications of San Isidoro and the Virgen del Rosario.

In 1756 Bishop Morell de Santa Cruz – the one that deserves a monument in Holguín – visited the city. His image of the Church and worship were those of a place “twenty yards long, seven wide and five high”, while the people were: “poorly instructed in eternal truths.”

The images of the altars are known from an inventory attached to the Baptism Book of 1775 , they were: San José , San Antonio , San Isidoro, Jesús de Nazareno , La Dolorosa, the Virgen del Rosario and San José de Nacianceno .

Ascension of the Charity of Copper

The cult of Mrs. de la Caridad extends, in the year 1775 itself, one of the new herds located in the Cacocum area was already named “La Caridad”, by Gabriel Batista and Juana Corra .

In 1789 Juan José de Proenza , a native of Bayamo and one of the owners of Almirante’s herd, declared that he owed a mule to “Our Lady of Caridad del Cobre” and one of his daughters was named María de la Caridad, a fact that is not surprising if It is taken into account that since the end of the 17th century, “the participation of the population of Bayamo in the miracle shop” was present around the image.

It must have been Bayamo, the place from which the cult of Caridad del Cobre mainly radiated to Holguín. The 19 of March of 1791 the council reported the absence of Councilman Antonio de Peña “by found of pilgrimage at the shrine of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre”. In that same year, the Notary noted that Manuel Antonio Calderón declared that he owed our Lady of Caridad del Cobre eight pesos and La Merced six.

At the beginning of the 19th century, in the Hato de Bariay, another place received the name of La Caridad, inherited from Francisco Bermúdez. It was in one of the first decades of the 19th century when the image of La Caridad occupied a place on the altars of the Holguineran Parish Mayor. The inventory for the years 1862 – 1868 reports that in the nave, to the right of the main altar, there was a simple altar with an image “of bad sculpture and property of the Garayalde family.”

It is known from the same source that in 1866 the Church bought an image of Charity in Santiago de Cuba for 42 pesos and 50 reais and it is supposed to replace the one that had been held until then.

by Abdullah Sam
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