Fastest Way To Delete Text Messages Android;5 Tricks

Fastest Way To Delete Text Messages Android.The Messages app is the center of our communication on both the iPhone, the iPad or the Mac. Therefore, over time, it is normal for a considerable amount of information to accumulate, photos, videos, audio files, etc. This requires regular cleaning or automating the removal of old conversations.

How To Delete Old Text Messages Android;Fastest Way To Delete Text Messages Android

The Messages app can take care of deleting messages, regardless of the redundancy, after a certain time since we receive or send them. This ensures that, without losing sight of the conversation, the oldest history will not take up space on our devices . Activating this option is very easy, the steps to follow are the following:

  1. We open the Settings app on our iPhone or iPad.
  2. We enter Messages.
  3. We tap on Keep messages.
  4. We choose between 30 days1 year or Always .
  5. When we are asked if we want to delete the oldest messages, we tap on Delete.

Thanks to this system, messages that exceed a month or a year will permanently disappear from the Messages app on all our devices. A very useful feature especially if we usually receive or send large files that, over time, accumulate in the app.

A very simple system to optimize the space of our devices without having to do manual cleaning. Obviously, we can continue to delete any conversation in a specific way, but for those that we always have in the app, even fixed at the top, we will know that we will not accumulate messages beyond a month or a year old.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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