A guide to all the opponents that you can meet today in the game Last Day on Earth: Survival – how to kill toxic, furious zombies, fat men, thugs, a merchant that drops, etc.
Other guides:
- Last Day on Earth: Survival Guide – Game Basics
- FAQ Last Day on Earth: Survival
- Last Day on Earth: Survival Walkthrough Tips
- How to open the bunker (code) in Last Day on Earth: Survival
- Last Day on Earth: Survival guide – how to deal with thirst, hunger and restore HP
- Crafting clothes (armor) in Last Day on Earth: Survival with recipes
- Base Defense Guide in Last Day on Earth: Survival (with recipes)
- Characteristics of all weapons in Last Day on Earth: Survival
- Guide to blueprints and recipes in Last Day on Earth: Survival
- Last Day on Earth: Survival recipe guide
- Guide for collecting loot in Last Day on Earth: Survival
Last Day on Earth: Survival is a survival game in a world destroyed by a zombie apocalypse. From this we can draw an important conclusion – the main enemies in the mobile phone will be the rebellious dead. As usual, there are several types of zombies, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages – someone runs fast, another is slow, but can kill any survivor with one blow, etc.
It is them and a couple of other creatures that we will consider in our next guide. You will learn how to act correctly against certain opponents, where they can be met, what their strengths are, and what can be used as disadvantages.
At the moment, Last Day on Earth: Survival has the following opponents (plus here you can add deer, which do not pose a threat to the survivor, but can be useful):
- Common zombies.
- Mad wolves.
- Toxic zombies.
- Other survivors.
- A horde of zombies.
- Toxic fat men.
- Furious zombies.
Most of the opponents will stand still and wait for you to pass near them. Other enemies will immediately begin to flee, but this happens on rare occasions. For example, toxic and furious zombies and other survivors can run at the hero (they never stand still on the maps). More than half of the enemies will attack you in close combat, but among other things, some have special attacks, due to which they can reach the main character at a certain distance with one or another width.
Common zombies
Such opponents are found most often in Last Day on Earth: Survival . You will meet them at any location from three to eight pieces (I did not carry out exact calculations).
Common zombies
Of course, there will be more of them on low-level mining locations (“Stone Hills” and “Pine Grove”), but a little less on all the others, because there you will find stronger opponents, but also more loot. On the other hand, even if they are in large numbers, they are practically safe zombies – they stand still, and if they notice you, they move very slowly and do minimal damage.
Characteristics of common zombies:
- The amount of damage dealt is six units.
- The attack speed is standard (let’s just take it as a certain standard and navigate in further comparisons of enemies). This speed is approximately equal to that with which you attack your opponents when crafting a regular spear (from three logs).
- HP stock – 40 units.
- There is no protection.
- The number of experience points for killing one enemy is 50 units.
- What can fall out – there is a small chance that one rag and / or one rope used to craft bandages will fall.
If you should be afraid of ordinary zombies, then only in those cases if they attack you in large groups. For example, if you are fighting a huge enemy, then you should avoid additional attacks from ordinary zombies. Try to lure them out and interrupt them before engaging in a fight, for example, with a brute.
Zombie horde
The zombie horde is a huge cluster of ordinary walking dead that you can only meet once a day. Once you enter the game, you can notice a red dotted line coming from the dead forest (from the top of the map). She points to the zombie horde. The time on this line shows how soon opponents will be able to get to your house.
The whole point of their attack is to destroy the walls (only a small part of them). As part of one horde there are a couple of dozen common zombies, so it is more expensive to destroy them with melee weapons. And in general, despite the fact that you can easily shoot them with ANY firearm, doing this is at least pointless – unlike ordinary zombies, if you kill them in the horde, you can earn one experience point for each (then as for killing zombies in locations give 50 experience points).
Moreover, absolutely nothing falls from such opponents, since their corpses disappear from the location immediately after death. Believe me, you’d rather rebuild the walls than sharpen firearms that will benefit you, for example, when clearing out the Alpha bunker.
Runners are much more tenacious than ordinary zombies, and their speed of movement, as well as attacks, is significantly higher. Even if you try to run away from the runner, he will probably have time to inflict one or two hits on you (depending on the equipment, namely, boots, which are designed to speed up movement). You will meet runners in absolutely all locations. They will often stand still like normal zombies, so you can sneak up and kill them.
At easy locations for the extraction of stone and wood, there will be from two to four runners.
Runners characteristics:
- The amount of damage dealt is six units.
- Attack speed – somewhere 50% higher compared to normal zombie strikes.
- HP stock – 80 units.
- The amount of experience awarded for killing a runner is 100 units.
If you are attacked by a runner and an ordinary zombie, then it is advisable to destroy the runner first. In addition, attacking him with bare hands is very dangerous. Yes, if it is one runner, then you will probably kill him, but before that he will have time to knock out several dozen HP from you. Due to the larger reserve of health, it is possible to kill a runner with a stealth attack only with a weapon capable of inflicting at least 27 points of damage per hit. Remember this and take it into account when calculating.
The danger of runners is associated with their speed of movement and attack, and besides, inflicting more blows, they are able to hold out in battle longer than ordinary zombies. You should not go into a fight with several runners at once without using a firearm.
Toxic zombies
You can meet such opponents at locations with normal or high difficulty, which are marked with a yellow or red marker, respectively. In addition, one such zombie will definitely attack you when you visit the location where the humanitarian cargo fell. Remember this! In terms of HP and movement speed, they resemble ordinary runners, while strikes are delivered at a slower speed.
Compared to runners and ordinary zombies, toxic dead can attack both close and use a special technique – spitting with acid, which, on the one hand, damages you, and on the other, can stain you to such an extent that the character begins to smell unpleasant. Until you wash yourself (you need a shower at the base and two bottles of water), the smell will attract the attention of enemies. A strong smell (red marker) causes all monsters to smell you at a great distance, so you won’t be able to sneak up on them from behind and carry out a hidden attack. This is a very unpleasant moment!
Characteristics of toxic zombies:
- Melee damage – six units.
- HP stock – 80 points.
- Acid spitting damage – 15 units.
- Movement speed is fast, like a runner’s.
- Attack speed is standard, like that of ordinary dead.
- The number of experience points for a kill is 150 units.
But even despite all of the above, toxic mutants are not as dangerous as the same runners – their attacks are slower, and you can easily dodge special attacks, spitting. One interesting fact is that zombies do not stand still, but in almost all cases they attack you first (as you move through the location, you will see how one of them runs to meet you). Moreover, the first two attacks will be acid – be prepared, dodge and attack while the zombies are busy spitting.
Zombies only drop ropes and rags, but with the same frequency and quantity as normal ones.
Fat men
Fatties are huge mutants that are characterized by more powerful attacks, a large supply of health points, a special technique, but still move and strike slower than normal zombies. Although, the speed of movement is probably almost the same.
Fat man
Fat characteristics:
- The amount of damage for a melee attack is eight units.
- The number of HP is 240 points.
- The amount of damage from a special attack (falling to the ground) is 20 points.
- The number of experience points for a kill is 250 units.
And indeed, as in the case of toxic zombies, fat men have their own trick that should be feared – before falling to the ground and causing damage around them at an equidistant distance, fat men show that this will happen now. First, you can see an animation showing the enemy preparing to jump. Secondly, a red area will appear around it – if you are inside it during the strike, you will receive the damage stated above.
Fat people use such a special technique in a chaotic manner – they can perform two in a row, they can carry out three regular attacks with a pause. All you have to do is attack the enemy and be ready to run back a distance when he tries to deliver such a blow. In addition, since the enemy in most cases stands still, then ideally you need to sneak up on him from behind in order to take away the maximum amount of HP with the first blow. Finally, remember that you can safely run away from the fat man at any time to improve your health, and then return to the battle.
As in the case of toxic zombies, fatties can be found in locations with normal and high difficulty – yellow and red markers, respectively. In addition, fat people will be marked on your radar with a large red blob (its size is not much, but larger than those that mark common and toxic zombies, runners and wolves). Also, the fat men are in the territory where the humanitarian cargo fell. Up to ten rags can fall out of one fat man.
Toxic fat men
Toxic Fatties are a mixture of two types of zombies, as the name implies. On the other hand, such a fat man uses the special attack of a normal mutant, and in no case does he spit acid. This is a more powerful enemy with 300 HP and dealing almost doubled damage with normal attacks.
Characteristics of Toxic Fatties:
- The amount of damage for melee attacks is 15 units.
- The number of HP is 300 points.
- Attack speed is standard, like normal zombies.
- The number of experience points for a kill is 500 units.
Very rarely, a mutant can be found in yellow zones, but much more often it appears in locations with red markers (high difficulty). You need to fight such opponents only in those situations when you have powerful weapons, food or first aid kits to restore HP, good equipment. But the best thing is, by far, to attack opponents using firearms. Low speed will allow you to take a couple of shots, run back, and then repeat the action.
Furious zombies
You will meet such opponents inside the “Alpha” bunker (at least for today). High HP reserve, huge damage on the one hand, slow attacks and the absence of special moves on the other.
Characteristics of Furious Zombies:
- The amount of melee damage is 100 units.
- The amount of health is 500 HP.
- The amount of experience for a kill is 400 points.
To destroy such an enemy, you must use a firearm. And even a pistol will do, but keep in mind that you will have to make a lot of shots, which means that the pistol will grind off very quickly. Even if you use the best armor, in just two or three hits, a furious zombie will destroy your hero, if you do not heal in time. In general, instead of “sharpening” armor and using first aid kits, the best option would be to use a firearm.
This enemy is much more powerful than a furious zombie and is by far the most powerful mutant in the game.
Thug characteristics:
- The number of HP – 1000 units.
- Armor – 95%. The fact is that even if you use SVD in a battle against him, you will be able to inflict only two points of damage per shot, while all other weapons do not injure him at all.
- Movement speed is very high (faster than a runner).
- Attack speed is high.
- The amount of melee damage is 50 points.
- The amount of experience for destruction is 2000 points.
The developers do not yet give us the opportunity to destroy the burglar, as well as to assemble, for example, a vehicle. However, if you use a huge number of first aid kits, the best armor and weapons, you can do it. But does it make sense?
You can meet a thug relatively often in red locations, while he is always in the most hardcore territory – in the “Infected Forest”. In the latter case, the thug arrives at the location some time after you go to it. Rumble and earthquake indicate its appearance. If this happens, then immediately leave the location, since it will not work to kill the enemy.
The thug drops a pass card from bunker Z. It is not yet known why it is needed and where it will be used, but for sure it will be something really worthwhile, because it is not so easy to kill such an enemy. You can see the thug on the first floor of the “Alpha” bunker, behind a glass wall – you cannot interact with him here.
Gray and mad wolves
There are two types of wolves mentioned above. Grays can be found in open areas such as hills and forests. They have a high movement speed, but low damage – four units (although they strike very quickly). Killing such a wolf is as easy as shelling pears, and in groups they rarely appear – usually you see a lonely standing wolf, which you can attack from behind, or an animal running towards you.
Grey Wolf
Wolves usually drop one skin and one piece of raw meat, and for destruction you can get 50 experience points.
Characteristics of gray wolves:
- The number of HP is 40 units.
- The amount of melee damage is four units.
- The movement speed is high.
- Attack speed is high.
- The number of experience points for a kill is 50 units.
You can kill a wolf with almost any weapon, but it is advisable not to try to do it using your fists. Sneaking up from behind, you can smash the beast’s skull with a weapon, the base damage of which is just over 13 units.
Characteristics of Rabid Wolves:
- The number of HP is 60 units.
- The amount of melee damage is six units.
- The movement speed is high.
- Attack speed is standard, like normal zombies.
- The number of experience points for a kill is 100 points.
You can meet such opponents in the yellow and red zones. In terms of its characteristics, a rabid wolf is somewhat reminiscent of a runner. It is not easy to escape from him, but they do not have much health to be especially afraid of animals. Rabid wolves have no special attacks or negative effects.
Survivors at your location appear randomly, and each time they are generated. Survivors have a health reserve of 100 units at best, but can vary and even drop below 80. This means that they have already been injured by someone.
They use exclusively melee weapons, but they can be different. They often have some kind of clothing and a backpack. It is not so difficult to kill such an opponent, and sometimes valuable things fall out of him. For this reason, you should do this with every survivor, but focus on ensuring that you can actually kill him.
Often, survivors drop cards from bunkers, flash drives, and rare materials. On the other hand, the survivor is not always a tidbit, because if he uses a crowbar, good equipment, and you have an ordinary spear and no medicines, then the enemy will surely have an advantage. In such situations, it is best to leave the location.
I have never met a survivor with a firearm, but for sure there are some, especially in red locations. For this reason, it is enough to simply kill them with the same pistol.
The Merchant is another neutral character, which also includes deer. However, unlike the cuckolds, the merchant can destroy you if you start attacking him.
As with the Bully, he is capable of absorbing up to 95% damage while still using the M16 rifle himself. One turn and your health will drop below half if no armor is worn. But if you do not attack the merchant, then he will not do this, so the character is completely safe. If you kill an enemy, you will still get nothing for him. So what’s the point? Unless – for the sake of fun.