Fruits with C that are worth consuming in a varied way

The universe of fruits is abundant! There are exotic – and nutritious – species that few people know, such as imbu, ingá and ilama , and fruits with incredible properties but not so much commercialized, such as escropari, engkala and scrub . But have you ever stopped to think about which fruits that start with the letter “C” are worth the penca to consume in a varied way and deserve to be part of your diet? Check out our list!

Cashew is a source of fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals

Native to northeastern Brazil and grown mainly in the lands of Piauí, Maranhão and Ceará, cashew is an essentially tropical fruit – in addition to being juicy, showy and soft. Its sweet and sour pulp is the star of the traditional cashew juice, but the fruit’s versatility also allows the preparation of liqueurs, raisins, ice cream, sweets, chestnuts and honey.

Cashew does not disappoint in nutritional terms either: it is rich in fiber, vitamin C, zinc, copper and antioxidants – providing several health benefits .

Persimmon acts on the digestive system, improves immunity and has detox action

Persimmon originates from two very distant and distinct Brazilian territories: China and Japan. Its color is orange-red and its shape is very similar to that of tomatoes, being often confused with the fruit. Its flavor is sweet inside and slightly bitter in the skin, and can be consumed fresh and in juices (usually without the skin) or in recipes for jellies, cakes, pies, creams, ice cream and mousses.

The fruit is a source of fiber, vitamins A, C and K and minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus . Due to its nutrients, persimmon helps increase the body’s immunity , acts on the digestive system and has detoxifying action.

Cajá (or cajazeira) is rich in vitamins A, B and C

Typically Brazilian, cajá (or cajazeira) is a yellowish, exotic and highly flavored citrus fruit. Its best harvest happens in the summer, when the fruit is ripe to be consumed in its natural form or added in juices, desserts, vitamins and fruit salads.

Nutritionally, cajá is extremely rich in vitamin C, helping to prevent colds and flu . It is also composed of mineral salts like magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron, other vitamins like A and B.

Cambucá (or yellow jabuticaba) has proteins and carbohydrates in its composition

Known as “yellow jaboticaba”, cambucá is a Brazilian fruit that means “suckling fruit”. After all, it is consumed in a similar way to jabuticaba (also in natura) and its flavor is just a little bittersweet and intense. Cambucá can also be used to prepare juices, jellies, liqueurs and sweets.

When it comes to its nutritional properties, the fruit is recognized for its high doses of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fibers, in addition to having vitamin B1, B2 and C.

Coco is a superfood

Coconut is a superpopular fruit in Brazil. It is considered a superfood – because it offers different vitamins and minerals – and can be used in different ways in food, such as products made from coconut , such as oil, milk, flour, sugar and butter.

In nutritional terms, the fruit is a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C and E, has mineral salts such as calcium and potassium (good for bones) and the pulp is full of flavonoids ( phytonutrients that have antibacterial, antiviral action) and anti-inflammatory ).


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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