Fortnite: How to Complete All Challenges for Week 9 of Season 8

Detailed descriptions of all the challenges of the ninth week and tips for their completion

All Fortnite Battle Pass holders have the opportunity to complete multiple challenges per week. In Season 8, this trend continued. Each week, players receive a set of tasks that allow them to earn experience points and level up. Most of the tests are usually simple, but we will describe them in great detail for you.

Test No. 1

Condition : land in certain locations.

The list of locations that each player must land on:

  • “Vile Pond”
  • “Chinatown”,
  • “Sharp Keys”
  • “Distant house”
  • The hills to the left of Pleasant Park.

Most likely, Epic Games will remove 2 out of 5 locations in the next couple of days, leaving only 3. But even in this form, you must agree, the task looks as simple as possible.

Test No. 2

Condition : search the chests at Polar Peak or Distant House.

A familiar task that is very common in many weeks of each season. The requirement is as clear as possible, so go to the indicated location and search the chests.

Test No. 3

Condition : fly up on 3 geysers without falling.

Go to the location near the volcano to find many geysers. All of them are located in a line, next to each other, so you can easily fly over 4-5 in a row. However, only 3 of them are required. You can’t land.

Test No. 4

Condition : dance in certain places.

You will need to dance in 3 different locations:

  1. On the left side of Polar Peak, there are frozen trees and three ice sculptures. Land between them and dance. The sculptures are located right at the foot of the Polar Peak.
  2. Next, you will need to dance about 3 dinosaurs. You are interested in the sandy side of the map. See screenshot above.
  3. Finally, head to the northern edge of the map, where the geyser springs are located. They are easy to recognize even on the map itself. See screenshot below.

Test No. 5

Condition : Deal 500 damage from a hill.

Throughout the game, you will have many situations like this when you are above your opponent. In this case, it is not necessary to be much higher than the enemy: shooting from a small hill will allow you to complete part of the task.

Test No. 6

Condition : revive 1 ally.

It’s very simple: you need to revive an ally using a new reviving device. There are a lot of places on the game map where these units are located. For example, one of them is at the funnel, at the top, next to the warehouses.

Test No. 7

Condition : destroy enemies in 5 different matches.

A very simple task, since all you have to do is play 5 matches and kill at least 1 enemy in them. On the other hand, it is not necessary to do this in 5 matches in a row. Even if you die in one of them, you will be able to continue the chain of challenges in the next draw. This task is set almost every week of the last several seasons.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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