Dance floor: a complete guide to your party

Many grooms have doubts about the production of the dance floor at the party. Sometimes the questioning ends up being redoubled by bad information from the decorators or the staff. Although some halls are already designed in a way that requires the installation of the runway at a certain point, it is good that you yourself know what is best for your party.

Here, I gathered a lot of information about where to set up the dance floor, its importance, demarcation and some specific elements for all kinds of parties. Whether you are a bride, debutante or birthday boy, the following content is rich in details for your big day!

By Luciano Martins
Partner-Owner of Casa Petra

First of all, it is worth telling why you  need a dance floor. It is considered the heart of any party and its presence is essential to liven up the guests. It is unthinkable to plan a celebration without a clue. It is in this space that the best moments and smiles usually come out! In addition to the wedding party, this is where the bride and groom need to be at all times. It’s the day to get excited about music !


The dance floor’s place is in the middle!

There is no discussion: the dance floor has to be in the most central space. As the heart of the party, it must be in an environment that gives the feeling that the guests are “embracing” the dance floor. Some couples intend to position the track at the back of the hall out of respect for those who don’t like the noise, but this is not the best option.

I think that at the moment this is not a factor to be considered. That’s because a remote lane compromises all the energy of the party. Already in a central position, it enlivens the whole environment, even those who do not want to enjoy the music or dance. I believe that happy holidays have a central and demarcated clue, which we will talk about in the next topic.

Does the dance floor need to be demarcated?

The lane demarcation is essential for an organized party, because it makes the guests are gathered on top of that specific space. This does not necessarily mean that people only dance there, but when there is a demarcation, unconsciously everyone tends to go to that place to warm up the party.

With the dance floor demarcated, it is worth noting that the bar needs to be right next door. This is because it makes it easier for the guests to be dancing and get their own drink, preventing them from returning to their tables, since the tendency in this case is that they do not return to the dance floor afterwards.

The ideal size

Since most parties have 200 to 400 guests, the size of the dance floor in its pattern usually takes this number of people into account. It is usually between 5x5m and 6x6m. This value varies according to the estimated guests, obviously. A large track gives the feeling of emptiness and discourages the environment, while a more compact one gives the feeling of being full, energized by human heat.

The demarcation of the track can be done, in addition to the floor, by surrounding furniture or vertical structures that delimit the space. In addition, lighting, as well as the concentration of music in space, will set the tone for your party. Therefore, it is worth investing in a good decorator who thinks lovingly on the dance floor!

Still, some cases are quite specific. For Arab and Jewish festivals, for example, there is a need for a larger space due to the traditional dances of each one’s culture. Since it is only in a certain period, it is recommended that there is a post-dance plan B, to fill the space after it is empty.


Want more tips for your wedding? Here on our blog, we have posts about decoration , ceremony  and more! In addition, you can get inspired with our  YouTube channel or Pinterest


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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