Cold and flu remedies

Anti-flu remedies usually have analgesics and antihistamines in their composition that relieve flu and cold symptoms, such as fever, headache, chills, runny nose, sneezing and coughing, as is the case with Benegrip , Trimedal , Descon  or  Apracur , for example.

However, the person can opt for other specific remedies for each symptom:

1. Inflammation of the throat

To treat inflammation in the throat, anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen , nimesulide , aspirin or diclofenac can be used , which in addition to reducing inflammation, also relieve pain. Know who should avoid taking aspirin .

In addition, there are also lozenges to suck that help relieve pain immediately, such as Strepcils , Fonergin , Benalet or Cepacaina , for example, which can be combined with a systemic analgesic.

2. Headache, ears and body

The pain and discomfort caused by the flu and cold can be relieved with analgesics, such as paracetamol  or  dipyrone , but the aforementioned anti-inflammatories can also be used because they also have analgesic action.

Different medications should be used for children and adults, since the dose varies a lot depending on age and it is easier for children to take syrups, drops or medicines that are mixed with water, as is the case with children’s Novalgina , for example, which is available in drops, syrup or suppository.

3. Fever

The remedies that relieve fever are the same pain relievers and anti-inflammatories used to relieve pain and inflammation, as they also have antipyretic properties.

4. Cough

When it comes to choosing a cough medicine, you should pay close attention to the type of cough you have, as it can be dry or productive and the wrong choice of medicine can make your symptoms worse.

Thus, for dry cough, remedies such as  Levodropropizine , Dropropizine or Clobutinol with Doxylamine , for example, can be used, and for productive cough expectorants and mucolytics such as Bisolvon, Mucosolvan or Fluimucil should be used .

5. Coryza and sneezing 

Runny nose and sneezing are relieved with anti-allergy medicines like loratadine , desloratadine or fexofenadine , for example.

If the symptoms persist for many days or do not improve with treatment, go to the doctor because another treatment may be necessary.


by Abdullah Sam
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