Calligraphic learning teaching process

Calligraphic learning teaching process . Calligraphic teaching is aimed at achieving automation of the process until the student reaches the level in which they can fully concentrate so that they have reached a high individual textual production, reflecting their own ideas in their works. The contents of the calligraphic learning teaching process must be taught in integration with the other aspects of language , with reading .

To achieve the art of producing beautiful and appropriate writing , it is necessary to learn calligraphic standards. Through a series of rules and exercises, the tracing of an even, balanced and highly readable letter is achieved, which can be understood by anyone.


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  • 1 Objective
  • 2 Means of teaching
  • 3 Background to calligraphic learning
  • 4 First grades
    • 1 Moments of process management
  • Later 5 Grades
  • 6 Calligraphic exercises
    • 1 First group
    • 2 Second group
    • 3 Third group
  • 7 Importance
  • 8 Sources


The objective of the calligraphic learning teaching process is focused on that from the first grades students acquire calligraphic standards according to the demands of the different grades and in correspondence with the rate of learning of these in terms of quantity and quality to be achieved the calligraphic development at each stage, manifested in the mastery of an adequate calligraphy that must possess, among other qualities: the sharpness, uniformity, inclination, readability and presentation that all writing work must have .

Teaching means

Traditionally, the teaching of calligraphy , as a component of the language, has been supported by various useful means such as the blackboard, the alphabet with italics and script and the calligraphy notebooks with the different patterns that contribute to the correct tracing of features, strokes and letters, to achieve the qualities of calligraphy.

Background to calligraphic learning

Calligraphic learning arises in the stage of development of prewriting from the preschool level, when through the development lines related to language, muscle control and prewriting, the child begins to produce his first doodles, which will have so much connotation in his education later. It is in this degree that fine motor skills are acquired, which then allow the exact drawing of lines and ovals with which you can combine strokes, features and forms of what will later be the pattern of the upper and lower case alphabet of the Spanish language, used in the Cuban school. From this moment on, he achieves readiness, which later allows the acquisition of learning to write and, especially, calligraphy.

First grades

The characteristics of the calligraphy of schoolchildren in the first grades will be marked by the anatomical and physiological changes themselves given in the formation of the curvatures of the spine and the ossification of the skeleton that is in the process of formation at these ages, hence Teachers in these first grades pay attention to the postural habits that school children acquire when writing, due to this physical-biological process of the human organism that has not yet concluded.

From the first moments of the acquisition stage of writing, the teacher must teach and demonstrate what is the posture to be adopted when writing, learning and exercising features, links and tracing the letters incorporating inclination and uniformity; writing short sentences is also part of this aspect.

At this stage it is very important to draw straight, curved, wavy, mixed lines, as well as ovals of different sizes, which allow drawing on large paper surfaces without delineating their limits, and crayons, color on the board and pens with fountain pens, to facilitate the use of the writing instrument and contribute to the growth and strengthening of the hand and fine motor skills, as well as muscle control, together with the activity of tearing papers of various textures and thickness to promote the further development of these muscles.

Process management moments

Authors of various Didactics of the Language and Methodology of the Spanish Language distinguish three basic moments in the direction of the calligraphic teaching-learning process:

  • First moment: motivation or exercise preparation.
  • Second moment: of execution or realization, in which the teacher’s direction ranges from guiding the hand, showing the models to the explanation and orientation of the activity, which is aimed at a specific objective for the elimination of deficiencies or for learning of what is not yet known regarding the proper layout of the letters.
  • Third moment: final or control, in which the most important thing lies in self-control, self-checking by the apprentice, the teacher performs the collective and individual review, where he provides recommendations and pays attention to the most disadvantaged in calligraphic learning.

Later grades

In the last grades of Primary Education , as well as in Basic and Pre-University Secondary , skills are formed in the correct tracing of letters, links, inclination, adequate uniformity, and work is done quickly, without this affect the quality of writing. The student is encouraged to write carefully and achieve a certain beauty on the layout, to which he attributes his personological features.

It is necessary to achieve an intensive practice, which is carried out with the rest of the components of the Spanish Language and the Spanish-Literature subject at the basic and higher intermediate level, which must be characterized by maintaining and perfecting the skills acquired and correcting the defects that the students could have. In these grades it is very important to attend to the content of what is entered, the expression of ideas and spelling, facilitating note taking, summaries, teaching, research and independent tasks, in order to improve the learning of the general communication skills.

Calligraphic exercises

In the calligraphic learning teaching process, various exercises are very useful to develop skills and eliminate deficiencies, both in initial calligraphic learning and to ensure the proper use of calligraphic standards within writing.

First group

The exercises in the first group aim to develop skills in performing letter writing strokes and improve muscle control; they are very useful for modifying incorrect habits. These might be:

  • Gliding exercises of ovals and stripes, on ruled paper.
  • Compacted sliding exercises of ovals alone.
  • Compacted single line sliding exercises.
  • Basic trait writing exercises continued in italics.
  • Writing exercises in lowercase letters continued in italics.

Second group

They contribute to the acquisition of the cursive letter or any other type of letters. These exercises include:

  • Word translation or transcription exercises.
  • Exercise of translation or transcription of sentences.
  • Transcription exercises from illustrations.

Third group

This type of exercises contributes not only to the rectification of possible limitations in calligraphic development, but also the educational and civic training of students.

  • Copy exercises.
  • Exercises of transcription in italics of fragments of journalistic texts.
  • Text building exercises on various topics and types of texts


The learning of calligraphy, as a domain of graphic realization of writing, is of great importance, since handwriting as an instrument of personal communication, allows the expression of thought with permanence in time and space, and does not lose its validity as a medium. of communication in dissimilar communicative situations.

Spelling attitude depends to some degree on the quality of the writing, it cannot be conceived in isolation or independently of the other linguistic skills, since the calligraphic tracing is closely related to the proper use of spelling, grammar and textual rules.

On the other hand, various sciences use the resource of calligraphic practice to carry out legal, criminal and economic investigations, among others.

Calligraphic Learning Teaching Process: Enhancing Skills through the Art of Writing

Introduction: The Road to Mastering Calligraphy

Are you fascinated by the beauty of intricate lettering and the mesmerizing strokes found in calligraphy? Are you eager to learn this ancient art form and enhance your writing skills? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the calligraphic learning teaching process, a journey towards developing proficiency in calligraphy. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced writer, this article will guide you through the steps, techniques, and resources needed to embark on this captivating adventure. So, let’s grab our pens and ink and delve into the world of calligraphy!

The Basics: Getting Started with Calligraphy

What materials do you need to begin your calligraphy journey?

To get started with calligraphy, you’ll need a few essential materials. These include:

  1. Calligraphy pen: Invest in a quality pen that suits your writing style. There are a variety of pen types available, such as dip pens or fountain pens, each offering unique features and benefits.
  2. Ink: Choose a suitable ink that flows smoothly and dries quickly. Black ink is a popular choice for beginners, as it provides a bold contrast against the paper.
  3. Paper: Opt for high-quality paper that is smooth and bleed-resistant. Practice sheets specifically designed for calligraphy are also available, helping you master letterforms and strokes.

How to hold the pen?

Proper pen grip is crucial for achieving smooth and controlled strokes. Hold the pen between your thumb and index finger, with the pen resting on the knuckle of your middle finger. Maintain a relaxed grip, allowing for fluid movement of the pen across the paper.

Developing Calligraphic Skills: Practice Makes Perfect

What are the fundamental calligraphy styles to learn?

To become a skilled calligrapher, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with various calligraphy styles. Some popular styles include:

  1. Copperplate: Known for its elegant, flowing strokes, this style is often associated with formal invitations and certificates.
  2. Gothic: Characterized by its bold, angular letterforms, Gothic calligraphy is ideal for creating impactful and striking compositions.
  3. Italic: With its slanted and cursive appearance, Italic calligraphy offers a balance between formality and readability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

How to practice calligraphy effectively?

Mastering calligraphy requires consistent practice and dedication. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your practice sessions:

  1. Start with basic strokes: Practice individual strokes to build muscle memory and develop control over the pen. Focus on maintaining consistent pressure and fluid movement.
  2. Use practice sheets: Printable practice sheets are readily available online. These sheets provide guidelines for letterforms, helping you create uniform and well-proportioned characters.
  3. Copy existing calligraphy samples: Replicating calligraphy samples by experienced artists allows you to study their technique, spacing, and letter construction. This exercise aids in understanding different styles and honing your skills.

Embracing Calligraphy: Expanding your Horizons

How can calligraphy benefit your everyday life?

Apart from its artistic value, calligraphy offers several practical benefits. By incorporating calligraphy into your daily life, you can:

  1. Enhance personal expression: Calligraphy allows you to infuse your personality into your writing, adding a unique touch to invitations, cards, and handwritten notes.
  2. Improve focus and mindfulness: Engaging in calligraphy requires concentration and precision, leading to a state of mindfulness and tranquility.
  3. Develop attention to detail: Through the meticulous process of crafting letterforms, calligraphy encourages attention to detail, which can benefit various aspects of your life, including professional endeavors.

Conclusion: Embrace the Artistry of Calligraphy

The calligraphic learning teaching process takes time, patience, and dedication. By starting with the basics, practicing diligently, and embracing calligraphy in your everyday life, you can embark on a transformative journey. So, pick up your pen, prepare to be captivated by this ancient art form, and unleash your creativity through the mesmerizing strokes of calligraphy!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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