Benefits of Decreasing Frozen Points in Daily Life

Being a common treasure for every party who studies the application of chemistry , especially the colligative nature of the solution in daily life will find four important things. Namely related to freezing point, boiling point, vapor pressure, and osmotic pressure . So that in the application of chemistry these conditions provide useful applications for human life.

table of contents

  • Decrease Freezing Point
    • Benefits of Freezing Point Decrease
      • Antifreeze Liquid
      • Melt Snow
      • Prevents Snow
      • Benefits for Living Things
      • Calculate the Molar Mass of a Compound
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Decrease Freezing Point

The reduction in freezing point essentially always involves the vapor pressure in it. This happens, for example, when we add a dissolved substance in a liquid, it will dissolve into a homogeneous solution.

In the freezing point, the vapor pressure of a solid or solid will be the same as the vapor pressure of the liquid. Because if not, then the system will not achieve chemical equilibrium . A decrease in vapor pressure will cause a decrease in temperature where the consequence is that there will be freezing at that temperature.

Even sea water has a freezing point below 0 ° C which means that the freezing point of sea water below the freezing point of water in general. That is because seawater contains salt or is called a salt solution thereby reducing its freezing point.

Then another example is in alcoholic drinks. Where in alcoholic drinks is a liquid or solution consisting of ethanol as a solute and water as a solvent. Alcoholic drinks will have a lower freezing point than pure water but are higher if compared to pure ethanol.

Benefits of Freezing Point Decrease

While the benefits of this freezing point decline include the following;

  1. Antifreeze Liquid

Antifreeze liquid is a liquid used in car radiators in countries with winters. Radiator is a component of a car which contains radiator fluid as an engine cooler. When it is winter, it is very susceptible to freezing the radiator water so it cannot function properly.

In this condition, the use of antifreeze fluid is very important. Antifreeze liquid will reduce the freezing point of the radiator water so it will not freeze in winter conditions. This antifreeze liquid is made from a mixture of water and ethylene glycol.

This antifreeze liquid is not only useful for decreasing the freezing point but it will also affect other colligative properties, namely boiling point increase. The use of antifreeze liquid in radiator water will also raise the boiling point of the solution so that this will also be useful to prevent the radiator water from boiling.

  1. Melt Snow

This type of colligative nature of freezing decreases is indeed very beneficial for regions with winter. Another application of freezing is to melt snow like on the streets. In general, salt will be spread on areas with thick snow.

The presence of salt in the snow will certainly reduce the freezing point of snow where before there is salt has a freezing point of 0 ° C but after sprinkling with salt the freezing point will be lower. As a result, because the temperature is 0 ° C, it is above the freezing temperature of snow which has been lowered and will make the snow turn liquid again.

  1. Prevents Snow

In addition to melting snow that has formed, salt is also used to prevent the formation of thick snow piles on the road. The salt will be scattered on the road before the snow falls so that when it reaches the road the snow will melt and will not accumulate thick.

  1. Benefits for Living Things

Living creatures in extreme regions with cold temperatures certainly cannot be compared to living creatures in tropical regions such as Indonesia. Surely living things in cold regions have adapted so that their bodies are able to withstand these extreme conditions.

Living things in cold regions are able to withstand extreme temperatures because their bodies will automatically produce compounds such as glycerol and sorbitol. The existence of these compounds will reduce the freezing point of fluid in their bodies so that they are able to survive even in extreme temperatures.

  1. Calculate the Molar Mass of a Compound

Although currently it can use chemical instruments to determine the molar mass of a compound. But this conventional method can be done for experiments or as an alternative way that is cheap and easy.

In calculating the molar mass of a compound we can use the freezing point formula where in the formula there is a mole variable of substances which we can lower again to find the molar mass of the substance. Of course, by knowing the decrease in freezing, the mass of the solute, and also the mass of the solvent.

So, that was the description that we can give to all readers. With regard to the benefits in the freezing point that is easily found for everyday life. Hopefully can provide education and references.


by Abdullah Sam
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