7 tips to cultivate love for life

Every woman wants true love that will last a lifetime. However, most of the time they end up, facing short relationships that only leave hurts and disappointments. Here comes the famous question: “what am I doing wrong?”. Some life situations are inevitable, while others can be controlled by us and I can assure you that the relationship is in this second category. After years of working with women, I learned that having a happy and lasting relationship can be easier than you think. Want to know how? Then discover the 7 tips for cultivating a lifelong love.

Every woman wants true love that will last a lifetime. However, most of the time they end up, facing short relationships that only leave hurts and disappointments. Here comes the famous question: “what am I doing wrong?”. Some life situations are inevitable, while others can be controlled by us and I can assure you that the relationship is in this second category. After years of working with women, I learned that having a happy and lasting relationship can be easier than you think. Want to know how? Then discover the 7 tips for cultivating a lifelong love.

In today’s text we will cover the following topics:

  • Do you have a little guilt?
  • Are you making these mistakes?
  • There is no magic formula
  • 7 tips to cultivate love for life
  • Don’t worry so much
  • Turning your life around

Do you have a little guilt?

Often the couple is to blame because neither fight for the relationship and the two easily give up in the face of the first difficulty. I have already spoken to several women who came to tell me that their relationship did not last, that they did not know what had gone wrong. However, after they explained the details of the relationship, I realized that neither they nor the partners did anything effective to make the relationship progress.

Imagine that you have a plant: in order to grow alive and strong, you need constant care. You need to fertilize, water, protect from the sun. If not, she dies. Love is the same. If there is no effort from both parties, daily care, it will not develop and will end up dying.

Are you making these mistakes?

In our life there is a search for novelties, even if unconsciously. We are faced with fragile relationships where everyone wants to find someone who loves them without offering practically anything in return. It is a selfish relationship and when the other is no longer useful it is discarded as if it were an outdated cell phone.

This looks really bad for you, right? For me too … But unfortunately it is becoming more and more common. How many couples do you know who started with great enthusiasm, but in the first crisis put an end to the relationship? So that this does not happen to you and your partner it takes effort from both parties.

There is no magic formula

I would like to tell you that there is a magic formula for you to find an ideal person and stay with them, but unfortunately, there is no guide on how to experience the perfect relationship. In fact, there is no such thing as a “perfect relationship”.

You must first understand that no two relationships are the same. What works for one couple may not necessarily be the solution for another. It will take time, patience and understanding from both you and your partner to determine what works best for both of you.

The journey to find true love can be like a real roller coaster. There can be ups and downs due to generally uncontrollable factors, such as fears of relationship and intimacy, different core values, communication style, trust, long-term vision, interests, sexual compatibility and a whole range of factors.

That said, there are specific things that you and your partner can work on daily, which will certainly improve the chances of maintaining a loving, deeply satisfying and healthy relationship.

7 tips to cultivate love for life

1. Don’t idealize love

Love is idealized and seen as something exceptional through music, movies, novels … However, if you want to have a healthy and mature love, which lasts a long time, you cannot be attached to an idealistic vision, typical of a teenager. Your life is not going to be a fairy tale, but that is not a bad thing, not even by far.

You should keep in mind that, in a relationship, it is healthy and normal that there are disagreements and certain difficulties. We are talking about a real relationship, between two real people, with personal aspirations, who want to walk together.

We all have positive and negative characteristics and the relationship will also have them. Having this idea in mind will help you to better accept the difficulties that may arise and work for the relationship to overcome these obstacles and become stronger and stronger.

2. Don’t forget the individuality

It is essential to be happy separately to be happy with someone. It is a myth to think that a couple will stop being happy if one of them manages to maintain their individuality. What does that really mean? I have some friends who, before starting a relationship, used to play sports, had hobbies and had fun alone, but abandoned everything to do couple activities. After some time they started to feel extremely unhappy, without their own identity and ended the relationship.

Do not neglect your personal terrain when you are in a relationship, take care of your friends, cultivate your hobbies, develop your professional aspirations. You need to have moments that are only yours to maintain sanity within a relationship. The same goes for him. Two people who are happy individually, when they are together multiply joy and happiness.

3. Feed love daily

There is a myth that being in love is enough for the relationship to work, but the reality shows us that it is not so. Remember what I said about the plant? It is essential to take care of the relationship every day so that it lasts and is as special as the first day. It’s easy to fall in love, the hard part is to stay in love.

Pay attention to the small details, they are a fundamental part of the relationship: your words, your attitude, the treatment you give to the other person; listen, be flexible, dedicate quality time to your partner, surprise him. I learned this after my first marriage didn’t work and today I try to do it differently in my current marriage.

Remember that it is your responsibility to keep the relationship alive. This is one of the main pieces of advice for cultivating love for life.

4. Have a predisposition to learn new things and assume that the crisis is normal

A love for life is a constant learning, the two come from different worlds, each with their experiences, their respective family traditions and customs. To be able to be in harmony with your partner, it is necessary to put yourself in his shoes, talk, listen, understand different ways of seeing things. It is also essential to set limits, compromise and respect. This is essential to achieve harmony in the relationship.

Sooner or later there will be a crisis between you (this is normal) and your partner, but if you take care of the relationship, saying things, showing mutual respect, you already have one of the key tools to overcome it. By using intelligence, learning from mistakes, letting go of the ego and being willing to fight for the relationship with each crisis that happens, you will have more tools to face it in a more peaceful way.

5. Love yourself first

When I love myself I can love another person, and that is where a fundamental concept comes into play: self-esteem. If you have love for yourself, you can give love to others; this can be applied to all relationships, it is not something exclusive between a couple. When you have something inside you to give, you can share it with others and feel happy. This is what happens with love, two people who love themselves, overflow with love and happiness and share. Together, this love grows and multiplies, thanks to the delivery of both.

6. Speak and listen

One of the most important reasons that cause separations is the lack of communication. Today couples have no space for love, intimacy or activities together that make them happy. It is very common that when they get home, they take a plate of food and eat it in front of the television or computer.

In addition, many times, when one of the two starts to express their feelings or what they think (and it is not what the other wants to hear), that person closes and does not want to talk anymore. It affects the relationship a lot. If you want your relationship to last a long time, you need to have healthy communication. Sit down with your partner, talk about your day, your problems, don’t be silent when you want to express yourself. Encourage your partner to do the same.

7. Don’t let the flame go out

There are small daily actions that can help to revitalize a relationship and keep it healthy over time. Maintaining sexuality is important for any stable relationship. Sexuality is composed of eroticism, desire.

Being parents and being together as a couple is a big challenge. Many women, when they have children, are dedicated only to the role of mother and nothing else, leaving their partner aside. I made this mistake when I had my first two children. I totally surrendered to my mother side who forgot my woman side.

So it is important that you have a couple time from time to time. Family vacations are important, but also that “second honeymoon”, where grandparents can take care of children are good options. Get your relationship out of the rut and fight for the flame of passion to stay alive.

Don’t worry so much

Once you have seen the 7 tips for cultivating a lifelong love, you can realize that it is not that difficult to have a lasting relationship. Just work together with your partner and never get discouraged by the obstacles that appear. And here’s a final piece of advice: it’s best not to wait for things that may or may not happen. Love today who is by your side! Living day to day with intensity is the best advice. In this way, your love will always be renewed.

Turning your life around

It is not always easy to take the first step towards a change in your personal life, so I want to invite you. Have you ever thought about being a happy woman, about being a happy and fulfilled woman, with high self-esteem and long-lasting relationships? So you need to participate in the Well Solved Women’s Week. Thousands of women who follow me know that I created the Women’s Week Well Resolved, a week that we discussed all the issues of the female universe (sensuality, sexuality, pompoirism, relationship, self-esteem …) to have a direct contact and spend the best of my content for you. It is an incredible week, full of exercises and you will be able to talk to me and answer all your questions!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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