Wherever we look, it seems that everything in this world is revealed around love . Is love really that important? Is it possible to be happy without loving and being loved? Why do all humans have the desire to relate to other humans? Here are a few things that reveal why love is so important to life.
Human Instinct
Many people will admit that love is a social relationship. While there are many faces of love, this is especially true for romantic love. Skeptics will even say that love actually makes people more miserable than happy.
The fact is that romantic love and the process of falling in love are innate. This is evidence made by many scientists and researchers. It has been proven that love exists and has been present in most cultures around the world. In fact, it is essential for the functioning of society.
Some researchers have come to the conclusion that the sensation of falling in love with another person gives your mind an extraordinary level of clarity of thought. This relieves stress and allows you to focus more.
In addition, when you are in love , all your senses will be enhanced. Suddenly, you see beauty in seemingly ordinary things and find all these creative ways to express love to others. More importantly, gain the power to express yourself in a way you’ve never had before.
When you were young, you probably thought that you had to be perfect in order for someone to fall in love with you. The fact is this has nothing to do with love. In fact, true love is completely unrelated to change. Don’t get me wrong, it will definitely make you better over time. However, it is you who will have the desire to be the best version of yourself.
If they are the right ones for you, your partner will never try to change you. Not only that, they will never make you think that you are not good enough as you are.
On the other hand, love is important because it gives a different kind of freedom. First and foremost, it gives you emotional freedom and acceptance. It gives you the freedom to be who you really are, along with all your flaws and imperfections.Well, those are some reasons why love is important for your life. And pure love will make you a better person.