4 simple tips on how you can be both happier and more productive

Sometimes everything just feels pointless, especially if it is November, rain and darkness from morning to evening. But there are some simple things you can do yourself to create light in life.

1. Determine the mood for the rest of the day
It may sound strange, but we are not automatically depressed, angry or angry when we wake up in the morning. Mood is something that you can control yourself. Before you get out of bed, decide not to let anything ruin your day. Pamper yourself with an extra good breakfast or decide to dine at your favorite lunch spot even though it’s only Tuesday. Find things that you can reward yourself with just because you can – and are worth it. It does not matter if the bus is delayed or if you get stuck in queues on the way to work. If you have decided that your mood should be at its peak, so be it.

ALSO READ: 5 super easy ways to make other people happy

2. Take extra breaks
Give yourself time to take a time-out out of the ordinary if everything feels dull and heavy. It doesn’t matter if you work or study and do not really have time for extra breaks – reward yourself with an extra walk, a coffee or just to relax for a while. Studies have shown that repeated short breaks do wonders for both mood and productivity.

3. Get something you can look forward to
It’s easy to just thresh in old routines – go to work, go home, eat, watch TV and sleep. The secret to coping with that existence is to create space for things that put a golden edge on life. Go to the cinema on a Tuesday night, book a concert visit on a Sunday night. Surprise yourself and find something that makes you always have something to look forward to. You do not always have to have fun only on the weekends.

ALSO READ ABOUT THE BOOK: Stress-free at work

4. Give yourself time to think
Stress puts us in a bad mood and lowers our productivity. Give yourself time to relax and log out at regular intervals. Pull away to a quiet place and give yourself a chance to hear and reflect on your own thoughts sometimes. End each day e.g. with just sitting quietly for 15 min and thinking through your day.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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