In this port, we will see how to hide grid lines in Microsoft Excel. The horizontal and vertical weak lines that represent borders and are used to distinguish between cells on a worksheet are called “gridlines.” By default, gridlines are displayed on sheets using the color assigned in Excel.
- Hide grids in Excel
- Hide grids in Excel using traditional method
- Remove Excel gridlines with keyboard shortcut
- Hide Gridlines in Excel by changing the background color:
Hide grids in Excel
If you don’t like the default color, you can change it to the color of your choice, or even remove them. What are the benefits of Gridlines on a worksheet?
First, they make your data tables readable when they have no borders, and second, gridlines make it easier to align text or objects. That being said, removing gridlines makes your worksheet more presentable. If you want to remove the grid lines, here are the steps you can follow.
Here we will go over 3 methods to hide grid lines in Excel Worksheet.
Hide grids in Excel using traditional method
Click the View tab on the Excel ribbon. Below it, find the Gridlines option under the Show section.
When detected, uncheck the “Gridlines” checkbox and the gridlines will be hidden instantly.
Alternatively, you can hide the gridlines from Page Layout and uncheck View on the gridlines.
Remove Excel gridlines with keyboard shortcut
If you often use Windows shortcuts to perform various tasks, here’s another one for you. Use the Windows keyboard shortcut to hide gridlines in an Excel sheet. Press the key combination “Alt + W + V + G” and see the magic work.
Hide Gridlines in Excel by changing the background color:
A very easy way to hide gridlines in Excel by changing their background color to match the background of the worksheet.
First, press Ctrl + A to select all the rows and columns of the spreadsheet. Then click Fill Color and choose white.
If you find gridlines in an Excel sheet for any reason, they are invisible and not visible by default. You can show them by pressing Alt + WVG or by selecting the Grid Lines option again (highlighted in the first method so that the grid lines are clearly visible.
Enjoy Excell Grid-Free Spreadsheet!