Woman, dare to be happy (2005 book)

Woman, dare to be happy is a religious self-help book written by Hada María Morales, a Nicaraguan author living in the city of Miami . The author challenges every woman who has not yet dared to be happy.

Table of Contents


Each person reaches the dose of success that they want to achieve … Because each human being has their own ideas and lives differently.

Woman, dare to be happy is a book in which Hada María Morales challenges every woman who has not yet dared to be happy, and exhorts her to decide to live the fullness that God Yahweh has for her.


Hada María Morales was born in Nicaragua, she came to the world accompanied by her twin sister and today after many years outside her native country and without being completely cured of nostalgia, she lives one of the most beautiful stages of her life as a wife, as a mother, as a grandmother and as a public servant and social communicator.

She is married to a certain Roger, and has four children: Roger Francisco, Rodrigo, María Alexandra and Valerie.

Hada María Morales has combined her home life with her public life, thus finding a balance that allows her to live fully. She is a recognized employment consultant with advice throughout the job search process, as well as growth in your job.

Author of seven published books and with others waiting their turn to see the light, Morales brings her message of encouragement and improvement to anyone who is willing to listen to her in her conferences that she holds inside and outside the United States where she resides, in the different means of communication that are their tools to reach beyond borders and always with the sincere intention of helping others.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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