How to know if your dog is happy

If your dog is one of the family at home, surely you are not only concerned that he is healthy and well fed, but also that he is comfortable in his environment. Even if he doesn’t speak, your pet has a thousand ways to express his state of mind with signs that it is important to know how to recognize. The behavior and body language of a happy dog ​​has nothing to do with that of a sad, stressed or even depressed animal and if you pay attention to some very specific signs, you will know how your faithful friend feels. Discover in this OneHOWTO article the keys to answering your question ” how do I know if my dog ​​is happy? “, because if your pet is abnormally sad, you may need to consult a veterinarian or an ethologist.

You may also be interested in: How to understand my dog’s barking, howling and growling


  1. Move the booty
  2. has a relaxed expression
  3. Eat well
  4. sleep comfortably
  5. enjoy playing
  6. don’t want to be alone
  7. look for caresses
  8. Barks and vocalizes
  9. He wants to walk whenever you propose
  10. is curious

Move the booty

It is one of the signs, that we all know, with which a dog expresses its joy . When a dog wags its tail it means that it is happy. He can do it slowly and deliberately, like ‘waving’, or with surprising speed and energy when he’s ‘crazy with joy’. In any case, it is always a good sign of tranquility and happiness .

We encourage you to read about Why Dogs Wag Their Tails .

has a relaxed expression

Although it is not as obvious a sign as tail wagging, your dog’s body language clearly expresses his mood, you just need to be a little observant. A happy dog ​​presents a relaxed look with soft blinking, his mouth is slightly open and his ears show no tension. Details such as the wrinkled snout showing the teeth, the tense or trembling body and the well raised ears can indicate that he is defensive, upset or sad.

Eat well

It is another of the basic signs to which we must pay special attention, because the loss of appetite in domestic animals should always put us on alert. If your dog has been listless for a few days and leaving practically all his food, he may have some illness that needs to be treated and it may also be that he is simply sad for some reason. He spends the whole day alone at home and when you arrive he hasn’t eaten? Maybe it’s her way of expressing his disgust at feeling abandoned. Therefore, if you see that he is eating well , it is a sign that your dog is happy .

sleep comfortably

Just like it happens with people, sleep is, along with a good appetite, another obvious sign of health and well-being . If your dog rests wonderfully at night and throughout the day, he is happy and without ‘worries’.

Here you can discover the Meaning of the positions of dogs when sleeping .

enjoy playing

If you’re wondering if your dog is happy, simply review his daily activity. If there is no shortage of fun games in her, then he is full of vitality and very happy . A happy dog ​​has a great time tossing a ball or other toy into the air with its nose and catching it again. In addition, he loves to take it with you and offer it to you to play with him. The game is a fundamental physical activity for the animal and if he participates in each one that you propose, it is that he is happy with you and in his environment.

don’t want to be alone

Dogs are very social animals and when they feel good they like to be in the company of the rest of the family. If he avoids being with you and spends long periods of time curled up in a corner, his behavior is abnormal and again he may be sick, feeling sad or having some socialization problems.

look for caresses

They love cuddles and caresses and do not get tired of receiving them when they are calm and happy. If your dog, seeing you, first wags his tail and then lies down on his belly or approaches you, butting his head and asking for pets, he trusts you and is happy.

Here you can learn some details and tips on How to Pet a Dog .

Barks and vocalizes

It is the closest thing that dogs have to human speech and you have to know how to listen to them. Of course, all dogs bark but a happy dog ​​barks in moderation , that is, they don’t spend all day barking (perhaps they do when they spend many hours alone and locked up, something they don’t like). In addition, when he is happy he has a lively and happy bark, without serious growls, which express aggressiveness or fear, and without plaintive howls that clearly indicate sorrow and sadness.

He wants to walk whenever you propose

Does your dog already know the schedule of your walks and when the moment approaches, he waits for you impatiently? They can become so smart as to recognize that the moment they like so much arrives and impatiently wait at the door, jumping for joy. Surely, even if you propose it to him at any other time, he will want to run to the street. If your pet wants to go out with you for a walk and when he gets to the park, which he likes so much, he jumps and runs nonstop, there is no doubt that he is a happy dog .

is curious

Dogs also love to browse , to discover and learn new things. Sniffing during the walk, approaching other dogs wagging their tails in friendship, being willing to train new exercises with you (for example, letting you teach them to ‘give the paw’) are canine signs of well-being and happiness. If a dog is down, he does not feel any interest in his surroundings or what you can tell him… something happens to him and it may be that he is not happy because his basic needs are not met.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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