The most affectionate cat breeds

Despite the unfair fame that has been created around cats that they are cold and detached from humans, the truth is that the lucky ones who can have a feline companion at home will have realized that they are animals with great sensitivity. and attachment to living beings with whom they live and share. Although they are historically less domesticated animals than dogs, today there are dozens of different breeds and each one has tended to develop a different character and characteristics. There are more intelligent, independent, more sleepy or more curious. There are even those who like water.

However, if you are thinking of adopting your next friend with mustaches and you want to make sure that they tend to be as affectionate and friendly as possible, in this new OneHOWTO article we are going to review the most affectionate cat breeds, although the truth is that any kitty can develop a great attachment and love towards his human.

You may also be interested in: The largest cat breeds


  1. scottish fold
  2. sphynx
  3. Maine Coon
  4. ragdoll
  5. Siamese
  6. Persian
  7. mumbai
  8. Tonkinese
  9. american shorthair
  10. Burmese
  11. Other loving cat breeds

scottish fold

These friendly cats appeared after an alteration in their genes that made their ears oriented forward, as if they were folded, hence their name “fold”. Over time, the Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold breed became more and more popular and today it is quite common to see. Their character is very friendly, affectionate and dependent , so contrary to popular belief, they do not like to be alone for a long time.


The sphynx or sphinxes are not the only breed of cat that has absolutely no hair, or that has very little, but they are the best known. This makes them ideal for feline lovers who, unfortunately, are allergic to their fur. One of the factors that makes this breed of cat affectionate is that since they do not have a natural coat, they are constantly looking for a source of heat and there is nothing better than their human to find shelter.

Here you can read about How to Care for a Sphynx Cat and Hairless Cat Breeds .

Maine Coon

These cats, from North America, are large and have colors and shapes that for a long time, and erroneously, have been thought to be the result of a mixture with a raccoon. However, apart from the fact that this is biologically impossible, there are currently many colors within this feline breed. In addition, they are a very sociable breed that likes to be in company , even if it is simply to lie down close to us.

Learn more about what the Maine Coon cat is like with this other post.


This breed, known as Ragdoll in English (rag doll in Spanish), is one of the best known and is recommended if you have never had experience with felines before, since it has been shown that they are one of the most friendly, docile and kind cats. in the world of cats. It is common for them to follow you around the house, demanding your attention and wanting to be near you all the time .


Siamese are one of the oldest cat breeds known and it must be precisely because of their long history close to humans that they have become one of the most affectionate and kind cats with their owners. With piercing blue eyes, Siamese are the perfect companions.

In this other article we tell you how to care for a Siamese cat .


Despite their serious and elegant appearance, Persian cats are one of the most calm and friendly breeds that exist. Tremendously popular in North America, this breed is ideal for people who live in apartments, since Persians are not very energetic cats and enjoy sleeping and enjoying the cuddles of their humans.

Learn here How to know if a Persian cat is pure .


Superstitions have branded black cats as a symbol of bad luck, but the truth is that having a Bombay cat in your life is a gift. This breed is gentle and faithful to humans and for decades many people have listed them as one of the most affectionate cat breeds .


Tonkinese cats are a mix between Burmese and Siamese cats . Their particular appearance has made them very popular cats among feline lovers. His character is characterized by being calm and cuddly , being ideal if you want a cat that enjoys your love and company.

american shorthair

This is one of the most numerous and common breeds to have as a pet in the West. His character is docile and gentle with humans. Unlike other breeds, which have no shame in invading your space to demand attention, American Shorthair cats are quite patient and will always be near you waiting for you to give them love .


With an elegant and gentle appearance, Burmese cats are a very affectionate and homely breed , capable of accepting other species as friends, as well as children in the house. His character is very affectionate and playful. Don’t be fooled, because everything they have that is handsome is cuddly.

Other loving cat breeds

As we said at the beginning of the article, despite having breeds characterized as the most affectionate, cats are exceptional animals and each one develops its own character and tastes. Even so, apart from those already mentioned, these are other especially affectionate cat breeds , in general because each cat has individual traits, which will be eager to receive your attention if you adopt them:

  • Kinkalow
  • Norwegian Forest
  • Angora
  • russian blue
  • Exotic
  • Somali
  • Roman
  • Havana
  • munchkins
  • Siberian

If you have enjoyed meeting several of the most affectionate cat breeds, you may also be curious to discover 5 small cat breeds .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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