Why Are My Instagram Stories Black?

Instagram is one of the social networks that we use the most in our day to day and it is true that it does not always work as well as we expect of it and sometimes it shows the Stories in black , so along these lines we will find out why it happens this.

Why are My Instagram Stories Black; How To Fix It

why are my instagram stories going black

If we are having problems with Instagram, first of all we must detect if the social network has suffered a drop in its service , if this possibility is ruled out, then we must make other decisions to be able to deal with the failures of Instagram and solve them as much as possible. fast as possible. But despite all that, Instagram randomly shows Stories in black and there are two types of “Stories in black”:

Charging screen

It is usually the most repeated cause when we see Stories in black, and in this case the error is something specific and depends only on the medium in which Instagram lives: the Internet.

That is, if there is no Internet connection , either due to being in an area without coverage, WiFi drop, mobile connection failure, etc.

If, prior to the fall of the connection to Instagram, you had time to download the content of the Stories because we were inside the app, you will be able to show them, otherwise, they will appear as shown in the previous screenshot.

Instagram glitch

A specific error in the fashion app can cause us to see only black screens when viewing Instagram Stories. In this case, we recommend clearing the app cache by following these simple steps:

  • We open the mobile settings and in the “Applications and notifications” section we click on the “Applications” option .
  • Now we must search for “Instagram” . The search is simple, because as a general rule the applications are arranged in alphabetical order.
  • When we locate “Instagram”, click on it and then on “Memory” .
  • Once inside the section, click on “Clear cache” . This action only removes temporary files, and accounts, data, photos, and records remain intact.

In case the error continues, uninstall Instagram , wait about 5 or 10 minutes, and reinstall the application on your Android mobile or iPhone.

The Instagram Stories are the key tool of the social network and the one that has managed to launch the social photography application to stardom, which gains new users every day, but does not get rid of the failures that cause the Stories to be seen in black.

If your Instagram stories are appearing black, there are several troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Relaunch the Instagram App/Restart Your Device: Close the Instagram app completely and reopen it, or restart your Android device.
  2. Force Stop the Instagram App: Long press on the Instagram app icon, select App Info, and tap the Force Stop button.
  3. Check Your Internet Connection: Make sure your internet is working properly, as a poor connection can cause issues with loading content on Instagram.
  4. Check if Instagram is Down: Sometimes, Instagram may experience server outages, which can lead to issues like black screens. You can check Instagram’s server status on websites like Downdetector.
  5. Update the Instagram App: Outdated versions of the app can have bugs that cause issues. Updating to the latest version can resolve these problems.
  6. Clear the Instagram Cache & Data File: Clearing the cache and data files can help resolve issues caused by corrupted or outdated data.
  7. Disable the Dark Mode on Instagram: In some cases, disabling the dark mode in the app’s settings can resolve black screen issues.
  8. Allow Foreground & Background Activity of the Instagram App: Ensure that Instagram is allowed to run in both foreground and background on your device.
  9. Turn Off Data Saver Mode on Instagram: Disabling the Data Saver mode in the app’s settings can help if it’s preventing content from loading properly.
  10. Reinstall the Instagram App: If all else fails, uninstall and then reinstall the Instagram app.


Experiencing black Instagram stories can be frustrating and impact your ability to engage with your followers. By understanding the potential causes and implementing troubleshooting steps, you can resolve this issue and enjoy a seamless Instagram story experience. Remember, checking for app updates, ensuring device compatibility, addressing network connectivity problems, and staying informed about Instagram outages are key steps in troubleshooting the problem effectively. Stay connected and keep sharing your moments with confidence on Instagram!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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