Who should get the pneumonia vaccine?

Internal Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Osman Erk told about it. Saying that “Pneumonia can progress more severe with corona infection”, Erk listed those who were curious about the pneumonia vaccine one by one

Pneumonia, popularly known as pneumonia, is a deadly disease. The most effective way to prevent this disease is to be vaccinated. So who is most at risk? Who should be vaccinated against pneumonia and when? Are there any side effects? Does it protect from coronavirus? Here is Internal Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Osman Erk’s answers to the most curious questions about the pneumonia vaccine …


High fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, chest flank pain, rusty or bloody sputum are the most common symptoms of pneumonia. In the elderly, only general condition disorder and consciousness changes may occur without causing much complaints. Pneumococcal bacteria other than pneumonia; It can also cause diseases such as meningitis, sepsis (blood poisoning), inflammation of the bones, otitis media, heart inflammation and sinusitis.


The pneumonia vaccine can be given every month of the year. Especially in the summer months should be preferred. People over the age of 65, children under the age of 2, those with chronic diseases between the ages of 2-64, those with weak immune systems, diabetics, obese and smokers should definitely have the pneumonia vaccine. People around the elderly should also be vaccinated.

How many times should it be applied?

There are two types of pneumonia vaccine. The first is Prevenar 13, which is long-lasting and creates late immunity, and the other is the short-acting and rapid immunization Pneumovax 23 vaccine. Prevenar 13 vaccine is administered once, and Pneumovax 23 vaccine is administered at most 3 times with an interval of 5 years. For those over the age of 65, the Prevenar 13 vaccine is sufficient first and the Pneumovax 23 vaccine after 1 year. Prevenar 13, 8 weeks later, Pneumovax 23 vaccine should be administered in patients with leukemia, lymphoma, cancer and organ transplantation that suppress the immune system. Pneumovax 23 vaccine is repeated 5 years later, the third vaccine is administered after 65 years of age. The same protocol can be applied to those with heart, kidney, lung and neurological diseases, smokers, alcohol users and those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, or the Pneumovax 23 vaccine can be repeated every 5 years.


Coronavirus infection facilitates pneumococcal bacteria to settle in the upper respiratory tract, this bacterium is located at least twice as often in those areas and can reach the lungs. When there is pneumococcal infection with coronavirus infection, the disease can be very severe. With the vaccine, this possibility is eliminated and the immune system is relieved. The vaccine is a dead vaccine and does not cause any side effects. If necessary, it can be done with the flu vaccine. By activating the immune system of the vaccine, it facilitates the mild coronavirus infection.

by Abdullah Sam
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