What is Health

Health is often considered a synonym for not being sick, but this  is an incomplete definition. Because if a person is not sick or does not feel sick at that moment, it does not mean that he is healthy For example, a noun that appears today much healthier human the next day he can have a heart attack. Naturally, this crisis has arisen due to a disease or dysfunction that underlies healthy appearance. On the other hand, a person who is not in good condition at that moment cannot be said to be unhealthy either. For example, a person who is nauseous and feels bad because of driving is certainly not lost his health. When you get off the vehicle and rest for while body functions will regain their former harmony and balance. It can be said that being healthy means the same as not having a chronic or chronic disease.

Dealing with health problems all over the world, the United Nations’ depending World Health Organization or the English name of the (World Health Organization ) WHO abbreviation of the health i china made more precise and comprehensive definition. According to this definition, health means not being sick and disabled, but being fully compatible and balanced in physical, spiritual and social terms. 

by Abdullah Sam
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