Foods that fight blemishes

Dermatology Specialist Dr. Eylem Acar said, “Give your body natural antioxidant supplements to fight against skin spots that are triggered by sun rays, some medications and aging.”

There are pigments in the skin that protect from the sun. Every 10 years, pigment-producing cells also dilute 20 percent.

Dermatology Specialist Dr. Eylem Acar told

At the same time, melanin production increases in small areas, which causes age spots. The immune cells that protect the skin are halved between adulthood and old age, and even more in sun-exposed skin.

Sunlight also damages the genetic material of developing cells. Mutated cells; It can cause age spots, abnormal dark sunspots and actinic keratoses, some of which may turn into cancer in the future… One of the things to do to fight sun spots and age spots; to supplement your body with natural antioxidants. You can increase the level of antioxidants in your body by eating foods that contain natural antioxidants. You can also increase your skin’s defense level by applying superficial antioxidants.

Eat rich in vitamins A, C and E

Vitamins E and C are rich in antioxidants. Vitamin C helps repair skin damage against ultraviolet rays. Vitamin E also suppresses stains by reducing the tyrosinase enzyme. Vitamin A is effective in skin aging and spot correction. Therefore, be sure to keep carrots, green vegetables, kiwi, strawberry, watermelon, melon, citrus pineapple, sunflower seeds and almonds on your table. Green tea and dark chocolate also reduce the risk of skin blemishes thanks to their antioxidant properties. Consuming a few cups of green tea and dark chocolate twice a week has a positive effect on your skin health.


Glutathione is one of the most important molecules for staying healthy and preventing disease. It is a powerful antioxidant. It is responsible for cleaning the body, especially our liver. It is a great support in preventing and treating stain formation. Alcohol and smoking increase the need for glutathione and decrease its production. So stay away from alcohol and smoking. Here are the top 10 foods with the highest glutathione content: Asparagus, avocado, spinach, okra, cauliflower, tomato, carrot, melon, grapefruit and zucchini.


by Abdullah Sam
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