What is the outlook for post-pandemic Colombian ventures?

What is the outlook for post-pandemic Colombian ventures?

Anyone who enters the world of entrepreneurship must be clear that no project can escape difficult times. The crisis caused by the coronavirus has shown this.

Colombia has historically shown that it is a country with the ability to overcome critical moments and to adapt after experiencing unusual and unexpected situations. You have always identified opportunities in the midst of difficulties. Entrepreneurs, faced with the pandemic, have not been less so and with the necessary precautions, they have sought to move their projects forward.

Although the situation caused by the coronavirus has negatively affected companies, the country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, made up mainly of micro, small and medium-sized companies, has played a decisive role in this emergency situation.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought a great challenge for Colombian start-ups due to the reduction of their consumption, which in some cases has prevented their clients from leaving.

How have they dealt with this situation? Preparing for the worst.

Companies have begun to imagine a completely negative scenario for them, as pessimistic as going from selling a certain amount of products or solutions to selling zero products, this is a severe measure, but it works. Recording it on paper will help them to clearly identify the situation that is presented and will allow them to formulate a series of measures. If a hypothetical situation arises, they can take steps to respond to this situation.

According to the report of the National Federation of Software and Information Technologies, Fedesoft, it is observed that the two most obvious trends are the transformation of companies, and the creation of new businesses and professional services for those who have been unemployed.

Companies in this country have adapted their models to the situation. However, according to data from the National Government’s entrepreneurship and innovation agency, Innpulsa, compared to the previous year, one of the important changes left by the pandemic in this market segment is the decrease in the number of companies created .

In the face of uncertainty, entrepreneurs have had the ability to react and act, instead of waiting for things to return to their previous state, because what has been seen is that there are many changes and transformations that will remain here.

This crisis has taught us what to do at this juncture, we must be clear that it will be very difficult if we do not use technology to develop ourselves. New ventures must innovate, but they must always be based on technology.

If trends, breaks, opportunities, and risks can be spotted, then post-pandemic endeavor can be interesting. The challenge is for the entrepreneurial ecosystem to have sufficient mechanisms to encourage the creation of new projects, undertake and promote new businesses.

Finally, in the current situation, in unexpected and difficult situations, it is also important to be creative and focus on opportunities. No matter how strong the storm or the darkest night, the sun will rise at some point. In this case, those who are vigilant will be the ones who can achieve success.


Should startups be reinvented?


In the uncertainty caused by the spread of the coronavirus in the country, entrepreneurs must reinvent themselves and propose solutions to face the situation caused by COVID-19, but many times those who must reinvent themselves do not know what aspects to consider, which will hinder their development and generate various frustrations, thus triggering business failure.

The contraction of the economy, falling sales, temporary closures of physical offices and stores, and restrictions on production and transportation are some of the obstacles that entrepreneurs must overcome when they want to overcome this challenge. As a society, many experts believe that these should be solved together.

Entrepreneurs must stop and look at new scenarios: how to use and make their own contributions? The skills that entrepreneurs have developed can have a great impact in other new fields and in the current health crisis.

Textile companies engaged in traditional fashion design, for example, in view of the current circumstances, could be redirected towards the design and manufacture of protective clothing, not only for medical personnel, but for everyone.

It is necessary to change the way we make decisions or think. The world and the country will no longer be the same, and we must accept it quickly to create a space and an environment from which to find business opportunities and produce the changes that the organization needs. We must accept that not everything will return to the state it was in before the pandemic.

The situation we are facing is extremely complex and serious, which is certainly unprecedented. However, in the face of such important changes, doing nothing is one of the worst decisions. There is no time or space to regret. The action must be the decision.


Tips to undertake.


Considering the current situation of the country, it is important to make clear and forceful decisions, because these decisions will determine the future of the enterprise.

Obviously, all companies are suffering from this pandemic, and the decisions they make will determine their future and that of the sectors to which they belong, so it is important to maintain leadership and communication.

If what is intended is to start an enterprise at this time we must follow at least one of the following tips:

  •      The first thing we must do is lose fear, follow our ideals and start thinking about tomorrow, but act today.
  •     We have to do what we like, not trends, because if we don’t like certain things, eventually we will get bored and lose quality, which will prevent us from having an audience.
  •     This is essential. Multiple projects should not be running at the same time. If we execute several projects at the same time, we will feel very stressed, which would lead us to lose quality.
  •     This is optional, but what the audience thinks should be considered, because it is easier for the audience to support and perhaps ideas about future projects can be derived from them.
  •     It is extremely important to learn how to use digital technology to generate sales and conduct business.
  •      We must become savvy in logistics and remote services. Provide our services remotely or at home.
  •      We should not expect everything from the government to succeed. We must use the means at our disposal to promote change and development.
  •      Let’s not try to do everything alone. This does not mean depending on others, but rather looking for people with complementary skills to create solutions.
  •      Lastly, don’t wait for things to return to “normal.” It is best to help shape the new normal.


Recommended bibliography.

An important part of becoming an entrepreneur is increasing our knowledge. Therefore, before starting any project, we must know and understand the vision of people who start life in the same conditions as us.

These visions and experiences help us to know more about the environment we intend to enter, in addition, they also help us to clear up some of the doubts, especially in economic and social realities.

Most of the trip or experience is accurately written in various books that can increase awareness of the topic and, most importantly, encourage us to continue. new projects and the way forward.

That is why I want to recommend, for now, two books that can become essential for any entrepreneur in our environment


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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