What is the name of the island of Animal Crossing New Horizons

What is the name of the island of Animal Crossing New Horizons

‘ Animal Crossing New Horizons ‘ takes us to a desert island in which we will have to start from 0. And this entails carrying out many things, such as naming it. Well, throughout these days there have been many who have asked us how this name works in the title for Nintendo Switch . We explain it to you:

To begin, you will have to reach almost the end of the prologue, once you have given Tom Nook  the 10 branches and the 10 pieces of fruit from your island. This done and in the middle of the fire, Nook  will let you decide what the island will be called. To do this, they will give you a box in which you can write any name. Although keep in mind that you will not be able to change it .

Animal Crossing New Horizons Guide (Nintendo Switch)

And as for the doubt with ‘ Animal Crossing New Horizons ‘, there are many of you who are afraid that they will end up referring to your island as Isla Isla . Well, for this we can confirm that the name of your island will not be predicted by the word Island, as you can see in the image above.

To understand this, our island is called Mazul . The fact is that during the game this island will be spoken of as Mazul , without adding anything else. Therefore, if for example you want your island to be called, for example, Dragon Island , you will have to put this name. Regarding this, you will have to write it taking into account that the name of the Island cannot be rude, as well as that you will have a character limit to be able to put the name. For everything else, we hope this content has been helpful to you.

by Abdullah Sam
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