What Is Innovative learning;10 Things You Must Know

What Is Innovative Learning.Innovative learning does not always mean the application of completely new learning methods but rather from changes that occur in conventional learning to the principles of active and interactive learning.Active learning is meant to be learning that can involve students in the learning process so that there is interactive interaction between students, between students and teachers. Changes in direct learning or conventional teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning are the main indicators of learning innovation.

There are three important terms that teachers need to know, namely discovery, invention, and innovation . Discovery is related to the discovery of something new, but actually something that is found already exists. For example, the discovery of cancer drugs in tea parasites. These anti-cancer substances are already in the tea parasite plant but have not been isolated by people. The first isolator was later identified as the discoverer. Invention is the invention of human inventions that are really new. The invention of the telephone is one of the inventions of its time because before that it did not exist.

What Is Innovative Learning;10 Things You Must Know

What about innovation ? Innovationor innovation is something (it can be an idea, object, or activity) which is stated by a person or group of people as something new even though it is not something new elsewhere. For example, an area mower that usually only cuts grass with a sickle. Likewise with the cooperative learning model, for schools that are used to implementing this model it is not as innovative learning but for schools that usually carry out conventional learning, the application of cooperative learning is innovative learning.

In developing innovative learning principles, the models used are not new but have only been tried in schools that have never previously taught material with a constructivist-oriented learning model. Changes in the behavioristic learning paradigm to constructivist learning indicate innovation. Changes in learning with a teacher-centered learning approach to a student-centered learning approach indicate an innovation in learning.

While interactive learning refers to the interaction between students and students, students and teachers, or also students with media / learning resources. The first interaction occurs when the teacher provides conditions in which students make it possible to ask, respond to, discuss, or present material. Learning with a learner-centered approach encourages students to be able to interact in all directions (between friends, teachers, and the media). Teacher interaction with students can run well if the teacher does not dominate learning activities by presenting a lot of information.

Teachers are expected to be able to direct students to build concepts using their thinking. Meanwhile, the interaction of students with media or learning resources can occur when learning media aids or tools such as computers are used. With the media or tools students can collect data to build concepts. Likewise, with both electronic and printed learning resources, interaction occurs when the teacher creates learning conditions where students are given the opportunity to read, look for references via the internet, or browse books in the library. .

Assignments in a structured manner can encourage student interaction with media / learning resources. Likewise, with both electronic and printed learning resources, interaction occurs when the teacher creates learning conditions where students are given the opportunity to read, look for references via the internet, or browse books in the library. Assignments in a structured manner can encourage student interaction with media / learning resources.

The development of innovative and interactive learning principles can be done by designing the presentation of the material to be taught following the steps stated by Johnstone (1993). You are already familiar with a contextual learning approach where students are presented with facts first. The Johnstone triangle also does the same thing, namely the presentation of facts. When examined from the psychology of learning, facts or data known to everyday learners can make it easier for them to build concepts because they already know the concepts in these facts.

In learning there will be a process of deepening and expanding the concepts that are already owned with the concepts to be studied. In addition, learning that begins with the presentation of facts will be able to attract the attention of students or arouse a sense of curiosity.engage learning . If such a situation occurs in learning, the teacher has made an innovation because there is a change in the process from a passive classroom with low student participation to an interactive and productive state.

Innovative Learning: Unlocking the Potential of Education


In today’s fast-paced digital era, the traditional methods of learning are being challenged. Education is no longer confined to the walls of a classroom or limited to textbooks. With the advent of technology, innovative learning has emerged as a powerful tool to revolutionize the way we acquire knowledge. In this article, we will explore the concept of innovative learning, its benefits, and how it can unlock the true potential of education.

What is Innovative Learning?

Innovative learning is an approach that involves the integration of technology, creativity, and active learning strategies to enhance the educational experience. It goes beyond the traditional methods of rote memorization and passive learning, focusing instead on engaging students in interactive and dynamic ways. By leveraging technological advancements, innovative learning empowers students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and adaptability, preparing them for the challenges of the modern world.

Benefits of Innovative Learning

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Innovative learning methodologies capture students’ attention and make the learning process more enjoyable. Whether it’s through virtual reality simulations, gamification, or interactive online platforms, students can actively participate and immerse themselves in the subject matter.
  2. Personalized Learning: Each student has unique aptitudes, interests, and learning styles. Innovative learning provides personalized learning experiences, allowing students to learn at their own pace and focus on areas where they need additional support.
  3. Collaborative Learning: Innovative learning fosters collaboration among students, promoting teamwork and communication skills. Virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and video conferencing enable students to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds and facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  4. Real-World Application: Traditional education often struggles to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-life application. Innovative learning methods integrate real-world scenarios, case studies, and simulations, providing students with practical insights into their field of study.
  5. Flexibility and Accessibility: Innovative learning breaks down barriers to education. Students can access learning materials anytime, anywhere, and complement their formal education with online courses, webinars, and self-paced modules. This flexibility ensures that learning is not confined to a specific location or time frame.

How Innovative Learning Unlocks the Potential of Education

Innovative learning has the power to transform education by enabling students to become active participants in their learning journey. By shifting the focus from passive absorption of information to active engagement, innovative learning unlocks students’ potential in various ways.

1. Empowering Critical Thinking

Innovative learning encourages students to think critically and analyze problems from multiple perspectives. By incorporating problem-solving activities, simulations, and project-based learning, students develop critical thinking skills that are crucial for success in today’s complex world.

2. Stimulating Creativity

Creativity is essential for innovation and progress. Innovative learning environments provide opportunities for students to unleash their creativity, whether it’s through multimedia presentations, digital storytelling, or creating their own educational content. This fosters a sense of ownership and instills a passion for learning.

3. Promoting Lifelong Learning

Innovative learning nurtures a love for learning beyond academic boundaries. By introducing students to self-directed learning, online resources, and lifelong learning practices, it instills the mindset of continuous growth and adaptability in an ever-evolving world.

4. Bridging the Skills Gap

The traditional education system often falls short in equipping students with the skills demanded by the job market. Innovative learning addresses this gap by emphasizing the development of skills such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and digital literacy, ensuring that students are better prepared for the workforce.


Innovative learning has the potential to revolutionize education by empowering students to become active participants in their learning journey. By incorporating technology, interactive learning methods, and personalized approaches, innovative learning unlocks the true potential of education. It equips students with the skills, creativity, and critical thinking abilities required to excel in the dynamic and ever-changing world. Embracing innovative learning is not only a step towards educational progress but also a stepping stone to a brighter future for generations to come. So, let’s embrace change and embark on the exciting journey of innovative learning!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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