What is Android System Webview?

When we buy an agency mobile phone, it usually comes with many native applications by default already installed. Most of the time we do not know what the usefulness of many of these applications is, one of them is Android System Webview, although it is also known as System Webview.

Would you like to know what this application is , what they are for and what are the possible benefits that it can offer to the user? You are here for a reason and we will explain it throughout this article.


  • What is Android System Webview?
  • What is an Android System Webview for?
  • Does this particular app have any benefit?
  • Is it important to keep this application updated?

What is Android System Webview?

You can find the definition of this application if you go to the Google Play Store or choose the Android developers blog . But in simple terms, it can be said that it is an application, it is a component that is part of the system based on Chrome technology which allows other applications of the Android operating system to display all kinds of web content.

That is, if you want to find and choose the best WordPress plugins for a website from an Android mobile, this application will allow it since its operation is to show you web information through other applications. So as such, it is an application that allows other applications to display web content without the need to open an application or browser.

What is an Android System Webview for?

In its simplest expression, it is an application which is aimed at developers so that they can add new functionalities to the browsers and applications they are developing. This implies that they can perfectly include code libraries in the software.

Thanks to this inclusion of said library, they can create a browser within the applications that are being developed . Thus, you do not need a browser like Google Chrome or any other to be able to interact with a specific web page except Wall, applications that are based on websites. It is something like wanting to delete most visited web pages in Chrome but without having to open the application as such.

Does this particular app have any benefit?

The reality is that if you have some benefits that you may be interested in. The main one to highlight among all of them is that it is a technology that allows you to view and access information in a much faster way.

All this process is done natively and without the need to resort to the services or functions of other applications. This is possible, thanks to the fact that a large part of the information on a website can be loaded into this application. Once the web page you have opened is closed, the application will return to where it was before displaying the information.

Let’s imagine for a moment that you want to block adult content web pages in Google Chrome. You can perfectly do it from this application as long as you have the proper knowledge.

An important fact that we must mention that you have to know is that, thanks to this technology, you now have the possibility of integrating links to external pages within an application that you are developing. Of course, not only will you be able to do this, but you will also be able to choose a function of your interest and integrate it into your application without having to create an internet browser.


It is possible that at some point while you were using your mobile device, you have noticed that, when you open a link, it does not direct you to an external application. Rather, a page opens within the application itself . Of course, the o format and the interface are not exactly the same, but you can still access and see the information that interests you.

Is it important to keep this application updated?

The truth is that it is very important. The idea of ​​keeping the Android System Webview application updated is simply so that the user experience is as optimized as possible and like other applications, it will change and improve depending on the hardware as well as the operating system itself. the mobile device.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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