What are the RUT and the SII?

If you are a Chilean citizen by birth or nationalized or if you are a foreigner and you are interested in opening your own company or business. Or you simply want to invest in a certain company in this country, you will surely want to know how the Chilean tax system is governed.

In Chile, as in all countries, there are institutions that regulate the collection of taxes , which are necessary for the stability and sustainability of its economic system. In this field you will read and hear a lot about RUT and IBS.

What are the RUT and the SII?

The RUT is the acronym for the Unique Tax Role . This is a system created by Chilean legislation that registers the names and tax conditions of all taxpayers in the country, be they individuals or companies.

All taxpayers must have their RUT updated, you must take care not to forget your data so as not to have problems later when updating. In this way, you will be able to consult your own tax condition and know if you have to make adjustments in your tax payments to the national treasury and avoid penalties.

But in addition, this will allow third parties to consult the tax situation of a person or company with whom you want to do business or investments and evaluate the economic stability of the same in order to invest safely. To obtain the RUT it is necessary to appear registered in the SII.

The SII is the acronym for the Chilean Internal Revenue Service . It is the body that is in charge of applying and supervising everything that has to do with paying taxes. Registers the tax status of taxpayers, whether natural or legal persons.

If you know the RUT identification number of a taxpayer, be it natural or legal, you can find out what their tax status is by accessing the portal and entering the requested data. Of course this information has its parameters on data protection. So you may not get such detailed information.

If you want more extensive information on a taxpayer, you can enter the official website of the SII and place its RUT. The system will inform you of the taxpayer’s tax status at the time of making the inquiry. This is especially important if you intend to do business with it.

But, what happens if you do not know what is the RUT of a company or business with which you plan to do operations? Is it possible to find out your RUT online knowing only its name registered in the SII? If possible, let’s see how.

How to find out the RUT of a company just by knowing its name in the SII?

There are several options to be able to obtain the RUT of a taxpayer online by knowing their name registered in the Internal Revenue Service (SII). One of them and the most used is to use a web router from Chile.

These are portals that have databases of taxpayers registered in the SII and that can offer you information about them such as their RUT, name, etc. Without having to go to the institution’s offices, all via online.

To obtain the RUT of a company by this means you only have to enter the portal of one of these routifiers that are available on the web . Place the search option, in this case the name of the company registered in the SII, press search and the search results will appear.

The portal will show you information about the company such as its RUT number, commercial branch to which it is dedicated, if it is a for-profit foundation, etc. If you only entered the initial name of the company, all those that start with it will appear. You just have to determine which of them is the one that interests you based on the other data you know.

You should bear in mind that these online services facilitate the investigation of information about your own tax status if you are a taxpayer or third parties. But it also provides personal data that must be protected. Especially if you use a Wi-Fi network.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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