What are the FAA requirements to obtain an A&P license?

Working for the FAA is a dream for many, so obtaining an A&P license can be fairly straightforward if the requirements are met and the correct steps are followed.

A&P, as its acronym in English indicates, is the “Airframe & Powerplant” license , which provides the privileges of supervising and doing preventive maintenance, or alterations of an airplane or helicopter and its parts.

Keeping aircraft in top condition is a vital job; and on which the life of every passenger who places their trust in it depends.

Requirements to obtain an A&P license

To obtain an A&P license it is important to handle basic English which allows us to speak, read and understand; Because the manuals that have the procedures come in that language , so it is important to learn English before applying.

According to FAA 65 subpart D you must have a minimum age of 18 years; and have passed all the pre-established exams in a 24-month period. In addition, to meet the experience requirements.

To obtain an A&P license it is necessary to have 30 months of previous experience that demonstrates that you have experience in airframe and engine maintenance

In case of not having the minimum time of experience required; Those wishing to apply can provide proof that they have graduated from an FAA-approved school, such as AMT.

Steps to obtain an A&P license

Obtaining an A&P license, despite being a long process, is usually quite simple but which requires a lot of study, the steps to follow are the following:

  • Submit a letter of experience , the letter of experience must be written in English , certified and stamped. To obtain an A&P license, a minimum of 30 months of experience is required to meet both FAA ratings. As an additional tip, in case of being a foreigner the FAA does not require a letter from the regulatory entity of the country of origin; but it is highly recommended to wear it since it certifies the experience.
  • Written exams, to obtain an A&P license, you must pass the exams carried out by the FAA , which are 3, the general exam composed of 60 questions, the Airframe of 100 questions and the Powerplant of 100 questions. Exam questions come from a question bank that candidates can and should study prior to applying if they wish to obtain an A&P license.
  • After passing the exams , an interview is conducted with the FAA inspector, the appointment for the interview is previously set. The documents to be consigned in the interview are the passport and form 8610-2. The objective of the inspector is to know the experience, verify the documents and have a knowledge of English because it is essential to opt for the license.
  • It is not required by the FAA but if you wish to obtain an A&P license it is highly recommended to take the “oral and practical exam preparation course” , which usually last 24 hours.

The oral and practical exam has a minimum of 4 questions and a maximum of 7; Once the exams are presented, which are 10 in total, they will be valid for 24 months.

A&P license benefits

Obtaining an A&P license from the FAA provides numerous benefits as it qualifies us as a general mechanic to work on airplanes or helicopters.

In addition to the large job market that exists worldwide for FAA mechanics who hold an A&P license, they are better paid compared to other jobs.

On average, it is estimated that an FAA mechanic works around 2,000 hours a year; you will be able to receive an income of $ 70,480. Not counting the possibility of becoming a pilot and traveling the world.

A typical aircraft mechanic can earn up to $ 20 per hour while an A&P licensed mechanic can earn 74 hours per hour.


by Abdullah Sam
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