LOST ARK – ways to obtain resources for hardening

We tell you how to get valuable resources for hardening

In LOST ARK, hardening equipment requires resources: protective crystals (for armor), weapon crystals (for weapons), shards, emeralds / sapphires / citrines, crystals and catalysts. Also, silver and gold are needed for hardening.

Since the equipment is divided into several ranks in the game, the resources for hardening are also divided into several ranks.

For equipment of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank, different ranks of resources are used.

Resources for hardening rank 3 gear

Resources for hardening 1st rank gear

Resources for hardening rank 2 gear

Resources for hardening rank 3 gear

Resources for hardening 1st rank gear

Resources for hardening rank 2 gear

Resources for hardening rank 3 gear

Catalysts are needed to increase the chance of hardening. Since hardening up to the 3rd rank occurs with a 100% chance, the 1st and 2nd rank catalysts are not needed.

Weapon and defense crystals

Weapon and defense crystals can be obtained:

  • In various activities: Halls of Chaos, Guardians (common and heroic), World bosses, Ghost ship, Islands of adventure, Trials of the Abyss (available from level 915 equipment) and spraying equipment.
  • Buy in the guild shop for Silmael crystals, in the quartermaster’s shop for PvP currency, buy from a merchant ship (located in the port of each mainland) for pirate doubloons.


Shards can be obtained:

  • In various activities: Halls of Chaos, Guardians (normal), World bosses, Ghost ship, Islands of Adventure, Trials of the Abyss (available from equipment level 915), Tower, some weekly and daily tasks of the Ephonian Alliance and spraying equipment.
  • Buy in the guild shop for Silmael crystals, in the quartermaster’s shop for PvP currency, buy from the ship (located in the port of each mainland) for pirate doubloons.

Emeralds of Given / Sapphires of Sirion / Citrines of Arctus

Emeralds / Sapphires / Citrines can be obtained:

  • In various activities: Halls of Chaos, Guardians (common and heroic), World bosses, Trials of the Abyss (available from level 915 equipment), The Tower, some weekly and daily quests of the Ephonian Alliance, Path of Trials, the exchanger on the island of Kuamey (citrines only) and spraying resources to create equipment from the Abyssal dungeons.
  • Buy at the Guild Shop for Silmael Crystals and at the Quartermaster’s Shop for PvP Currency.


Crystals can only be obtained by crafting or buying from an auction. You can create them in a personal Estate for craft resources, gold and energy of the estate.

Making crystals for quenching


Catalysts can be obtained:

  • In various activities: Treasure Maps, World Bosses, Trials of the Abyss (available from level 915 equipment), Tower, Ghost Ship, Cube, some daily quests of the Ephonian Alliance and Islands of Adventure.
  • Buy at the Guild Shop for Silmael Crystals and at the Quartermaster’s Shop for PvP Currency.

Please note that most of the activities are divided into ranks. It depends on what rank the resources you receive. For example, the world boss is a Bernese octopus of 415 equipment level, and resources of the 1st rank fall from it.


To increase the chance of hardening, there are amplifiers that look like books. For 1 and 2 ranks of equipment, it makes no sense to use them, since hardening is already with a 100% chance, but for rank 3 they can come in handy. They increase the hardening chance by 10% from hardening level 7 to 15. Separate amplifiers for weapons and armor. They are divided into two types: epic (for equipment level 1302) and legendary (for equipment level 1340).

Epic buffs to increase the chance of hardening

Legendary amplifiers to increase the chance of hardening

Epic buffs to increase the chance of hardening can be obtained:

  • With some chance they drop out or can be bought at auction after completing Phase 3 of Argos (Abyss Raid).
  • For completing stages 13 and 14 in Igharama Ridge (available from level 1325 of equipment, but you can get a limited amount for Legacy).
  • Buy from auction.

Legendary buffs to increase the chance of hardening can be obtained from:

  • With some chance they drop out or can be bought from the auction after passing Voldan (Lord of Fetrania).
  • For completing stages 20 and 21 in Igharama Ridge (available from level 1325 of equipment, but you can get a limited amount for Legacy).
  • Buy from auction.

A few more ways to get resources

Special missions

By completing special missions, you can get weapon and protective crystals, shards, emeralds / sapphires / citrines, silver and gold. But you can get rewards only once per character. Special missions can be found under the minimap, looks like a yellow gift.

Special missions

Igharama ridge

For completing the stages in the Igharam Ridge, you can only get resources of the 3rd rank, since it is available from the 1325th level of equipment: weapon and defense crystals, shards, citrines, silver and amplifiers. This activity is quite difficult and with each stage you need to have more and more equipment rating. The reward can be obtained in limited quantities for the Legacy.

Igharama ridge

Edge of Chaos

South Bern has a dungeon called Edge of Chaos. It has two modes: normal (from gear level 1370) and heroic (from gear level 1415). In it, you can get Chaos Rubies, which are exchanged for 3rd rank resources for hardening: protective and weapon crystals, shards, citrines, catalysts and silver. The reward can be obtained in a limited amount for the Legacy and it does not update over time.

by Abdullah Sam
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