How to delete files and folders protected by TrustedInstaller

Windows, is the operating system most used by all users, this account, with a service, which is called: Trustedlnstaller ; This is a security module, which is responsible for protecting resources; This will help you to prevent viruses from entering the system components.

It usually happens that this service does not delete some files ; this happens, because this folder contains important information of the Windows system, and without these files, the system will not be able to function in a stable manner. To be able to eliminate them, you will only need to follow a series of simple steps, which will eliminate the files.

What you should know before deleting the Folders protected by Trustedlnstaller

The Windows system is excellent and one of the most used in the world , its latest version is Windows 10 and it is really easy to download on your device. Above all, you must be clear that this service is the real owner of the system files.

It is not possible to have the right to edit any, until Trustedlnstaller accepts it ; this service must accept first, as it creates a table for each file; protecting each one of them.

This is created to prevent a virus from entering your computer , and if it does, the files will not be modified, as they will be protected by this service. To get permission to delete any file, you will need to disable it, from the folder you want to delete.

It is necessary to do it in an indirect way, since closing the service completely is really undesirable, because by doing so your device will be vulnerable to any threat that may occur, being necessary to delete files, which cannot be deleted , without having to shut down the service completely.

How to safely delete files and folders protected by Trustedlnstaller?

It should be noted that these instructions will be used for Windows 7, 8 and 10; the steps are as follows ; You must position yourself, in the folder or file you want to delete, press the right button of your mouse and select; “Properties”.

When doing so, a tab will appear, which at the top, you must press the box that says “Security” , then we will select the option “Advanced options”; You will see that a new window opens, once here select “Change” (which is in blue).

Also in this new window , you will see a blank box; In this you will write: (Your username) and beautiful the box that says “Check names”, when doing so select “OK”; In the other window, you will select the option “Replace owner in sub containers and objects”, then you will press the box that says: “Apply”.

Similarly to that, we will select the option “Accept”, then press the box that says “Edit”, here a list will appear; press the option, which says: “Administrators” (with your username) and in the list below, select: “Full control”, then select “Apply” and finally “OK”. Ready you can delete your folders and files.

How to re-enable the Trustedlnstaller service?

Remember, that this server is necessary for your computer, so you can also choose other ways to delete files with administrator permissions or delete safely by eraser , this will avoid any problem on your computer.

With the steps that we mentioned above, you can delete the file without any problem, but if for some reason you want to enable the service again , you just have to follow these simple steps: Press the right button of your mouse, on the file and select “Properties” , then go to the “Security” tab and then press the “Advanced option” button.

In the tab that is created, select the box that says “Owner” (insert your account name) and click on “Change”; In the box below, enter the following name: NT SERVICE Trustedlnstaller and press the “OK” option.

A window will also appear, where you can press Owner: Administrators ReplaceOwner ; here you will press the corresponding box and press “Accept”.

Once the server is ready, it will protect one of your files again. If you want to enable the service for the others, you will have to repeat the process manually in each of them, it will also happen for the file you want to delete; you will have to carry out the process in each one.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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