Ways to archive a file or folder

Using archives is a convenient way to store and transfer information. Let’s talk about how to archive a file or folder, the types of electronic archives and how to properly send them by mail.

Read how to archive a file or folder

Why is this necessary?

With data archiving, you can easily reduce the size of the original document. Suppose it weighs 1 MB. After compressing the data, its size will decrease significantly. In addition, this method is very convenient to group media documents and folders for sending to the Internet, as all data can be sent as one. Agree, it’s convenient.

program overview

Today, the most popular services for creating archives are WinRar and 7ZIP. And if 7ZIP is designed purely to create and process archives, the functionality of WinRar is much broader. For example, it can recognize disk images and open them as a folder. Another difference is the distribution: 7ZIP is a free program, while WinRar (WinRar) – conditionally paid. That is, even if we download it for free from the official site, it will have full functionality, and its only inconvenience will be a dialog box to purchase a program that can be closed. Let’s take a look at how archiving works in WinRar.

Storing data in archives allows you to quickly send information by mail

Add dialog box

And yet, how to archive a file in WinRar? In fact, it’s simple. Open the program. Then click add. A new dialog box will open, in which the main parameters are:

  • name. For example, document.rar, where “document” is the name and rar is the type (format). We will talk about their types a little later;
  • format. By default, you can choose from three extensions, namely: rar, rar5 and zip;
  • Compression mode. That is, roughly speaking, how much the size of our document will decrease. It should be remembered that the higher the level of compression, the longer the processing.

If desired, you can enter a password in the same window, without which it will be impossible to work with the archive. Now let’s talk about their types, namely, find out what the difference is between “zip” and “rar”. Which type is better to use for sending by mail, as well as in what format it is better to archive.

The application is a mega popular archiver that handles almost any format

Rar or zip, which is better to use?

The main advantages of the zip extension include processing speed and popularity. Yes, if you want to send the document by mail, it is better to use a zip. As for the speed, it is in the zip archive, compared to rar, higher, but not so important to choose this type of archiving.

As for such a format as “Rar”, it provides better compression, compared to the type of “zip”. In addition, in the “Rarov” archives you can add information about the recovery, making the recovery process easier.

How to archive documents?

Let’s learn how to properly archive a document for mailing.

  1. To begin, select the documents you want to pack and move them to a separate folder;
  2. Open WinRar. In the window, open the folder with the documents and select them (easiest using the keyboard shortcut ctrl + A). Click the “Add” button, select the name of the archive, its compression ratio and type, and then click OK.
  3. Now an archive file has appeared in the folder with our documents. We go to the post office and send the file.

The application organizes content compression quickly and easily

Let’s summarize

Today we talked about how to archive a file. I hope we have convinced you that it is better to use archiving programs to work with files, which can save not only time but also space on your disk. In addition, we learned the difference between 7ZIP and WinRar, as well as the difference between zip and rar extensions. Thus, as the main advantage of the “zip” format is its popularity, and “Rar” is the degree of compression. And what program-archiver and what format do you use? Write in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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