Water content of food

The water content of food varies according to its origin and the form of consumption.

The organism uses water for the most varied functions , highlighting the participation in chemical reactions, in the regulation of body temperature, in the protection of body structures and in the transport of substances. However, to perform these activities, the body needs constant hydration.

Water can be obtained in several ways, although most of the time the man is concerned only with drinking water . Much of this substance can be removed from food, since all living beings have water in its composition.

Although food is a source of water, experts say that the liquid obtained from these products can only represent 10% of the necessary amount of water daily . Therefore, even if a diet is rich in food with water, this substance must be ingested to ensure effective hydration.

The foods have different water contents , but the plant noted for that substance present in greater quantity in products of animal origin. Raw foods also have a large amount of water when compared to cooked foods, grains being an exception, with more water after cooking.

It is worth mentioning that, although industrialized drinks, such as soft drinks and juices, are a great source of water, the amount of sugar and preservatives makes this an option that is not recommended.

Below is a list of the water content found in some foods:

 Foods  Approximate water content (%)
 Pineapple 87
 Baked pumpkin 70
 Lettuce 96
 Cooked rice 85
 Banana 74
 Carrot 88
 Cooked beans 80
 Roast Chicken 70
 milk 91
 Mango 82
 butter 16
 Watermelon 92
 eggs 75
 Baked fish 74
 Cucumber 96
 Swiss cheese 38
 Cabbage 92
 Grape 81

Attention: Vegetables, in addition to being rich in water, are essential to ensure the good shape and proper functioning of the intestine, as well as to reduce the risks of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancers.

by Abdullah Sam
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