Viennese coffee

Viennese coffee. It is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, originating from the city of Vienna , Austria . Generally light, topped with whipped cream, it is traditionally served in demitasse.


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  • 1 History
  • 2 best-known Viennese coffee
  • 3 Viennese Coffee (original)
    • 1 Ingredients
    • 2 Preparation
  • 4 Viennese coffee with chocolate
    • 1 Ingredients
    • 2 Preparation
  • 5 Sources


The history of Viennese coffee dates back to 1683 . Legend has it that the Christian troops supported by soldiers from southern Germany and Poland , a total army of 85,000 soldiers under the command of John III Sobieski , King of Poland, fought against the Turkish army led by the Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa who He had 125,000 soldiers with whom he had managed to besiege the city of Vienna for almost two months. On September 12 of the year 1683 , in the so – called Battle of Vienna, the imperial troops managed to defeat the Ottoman army liberating the city of Vienna from the siege of Turkish troops.

The disorderly withdrawal of the Turkish troops left the victorious militias with valuable treasures that the Turks had to leave behind. Among these treasures the Turks left 25,000 tents, 10,000 oxen, 5,000 camels, a large quantity of gold and many sacks of coffee, something that until then was totally unknown to the Viennese and of course for all of Europe, so at first they wanted to burn them since they thought that these bags with strange grains were food for camels.

According to legend, the Polish king John III Sobieski awarded the bags to one of his officers of Polish origin named Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycky (translator, imperial messenger and businessman) who, thanks to the coffee provided by the king, founded the first Viennese coffee shop called Zur Blauen Flasche ( The Blue Bottle ). After doing several experiments with coffee, some customers who did not like the taste of coffee by itself, added a little sugar and milk, and in this way the tradition of Viennese coffee emerged.

Best known Viennese coffee

  • Half coffee and half hot milk, finish with milk foam.
  • Basically it is a Melange which, however, is topped with whipped cream instead of frothy milk.
  • Kaffee Verkehrt. It is a very light coffee with milk that is served in a glass. It is known as “verkehrt” (literally the other way around), as it contains more milk than coffee.
  • It is a delicious double espresso with a jet of kirsch. Traditionally it is served in a crystal glass with a handle and is topped with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry .
  • Maria Theresia. A double espresso with a Cointreau jet topped with whipped cream and candied orange
  • Franz Landtmann Kaffee. Espresso double with a splash of brandy and another of coffee liqueur, topped with whipped cream and a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Kaffee Sobiesky. A double espresso that comes with honeyand a glass of vodka served separately.
  • Wiener Eiskaffee (Viennese Coffee with ice cream). A double espresso is poured over vanilla ice cream. It is crowned with whipped cream and a wafer.
  • Einspänner. A double espresso topped with whipped cream and served with an ice cream cone. Einspänner is the coffee that is popularly known as Viennese Coffee in all parts of the world.

Viennese coffee (original)


  • A double express
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • Whipped cream (whipped cream)
  • A little cinnamon, cocoa powder or chocolate shavings
  • A wafer


Prepare a double espresso, soft or strong according to taste, add a tablespoon of sugar and stir it so that it dissolves. Then the coffee is crowned with whipped cream (whipped cream) and decorate by sprinkling a little cinnamon on the cream. Finally, it ends with the wafer sticking it into the cream.

Viennese coffee with chocolate


Viennese coffee with chocolate.

  • A double express
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • Dark chocolate to melt
  • Whipped cream (whipped cream)
  • Liquid cream or milk (to melt the chocolate)
  • A little cinnamon, cocoapowder or chocolate shavings
  • A wafer


The first thing is to prepare the chocolate. For this, the dark chocolate is grated, the milk or the liquid cream is heated (whatever you like) and then the amount of chocolate necessary to be able to make a good milk chocolate is poured into the milk. put less chocolate and if you like it strong add a little more.

Subsequently pour the chocolate in the cup or glass, about 10 cl of chocolate for 10 cl of coffee, add the coffee little by little while stirring so that the mixture is bound, then cover the mixture with whipped cream and garnish the cream crown sprinkling a little cinnamon and a wafer. As for sugar, you can add the amount you like best without forgetting that chocolate and cream already have this ingredient incorporated.


by Abdullah Sam
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