vices of language

The vices of language are forms or uses incorrect in speech or writing. These mistakes in language codes complicate the transmission of ideas. For example: Juan told me that he will come after eating (Dequeísmo).

The vices of language are recorded in all languages ​​and, in many cases, end up joining the language.

Examples of language vices

  1. Ambiguity or amphibology . Use phrases or expressions that have more than one interpretation. For example:
    • I will go to Paris only for a few days . (The receiver can interpret that the issuer will go without company to Paris or that he will go just a few days to that city)
    • For the drawing class I designed a bank . (You can refer to a bank or a furniture to sit)
  2. Barbarism . Pronounce or misspel a word. You can fall into a barbarism when you commit spelling mistakes, make a mistake of stress, alter the order of the letters, use incorrect prepositions or foreign words when it is not necessary. For example:
    • Eladera
    • Truck
    • Sale (offer / sale)
  3. Archaism . Use words that fell into disuse or are outdated. For example:
    • I am waiting for my son to leave school . (Instead of waiting , the verb wait is currently used )
    • My cousin’s cat is very stubborn . (At the moment it is said arisco instead of adusto)
  4. Dequeísmo . Incorrectly use the combination of that in expressions that only the word that should be used. For example:
    • He told me he was not feeling well.
    • I think it is best that we stay at home.
  5. Cacophony . Repeat syllables or sounds in nearby words, generating an unpleasant or uncomfortable sound effect. For example:
    • So take you to the tea and you ‘ll feel better .
    • It seems to me that it already appears .
  6. Foreignness . Use words in a language other than your own unnecessarily and abusively. For example:
    • Sorry , I had not seen you . (Instead of saying “sorry”)
    • We go shopping because there is 50% off . (Instead of saying “shopping” and “discount”)
    • They don’t leave until they finish their homework, capisci ? (Instead of asking if they “understand” or “understand”)
    • What ? Very expensive! (Instead of asking “What?”)
  7. Idioms . Use phrases made whose meaning cannot be deduced from the words that compose it. For example:
    • As always, Anita was killing flies throughout the class . (He was with his mouth open and distracted)
    • He is too young to have thrown in the towel . (He gave up)
  8. Cheism or adequeism . Delete the word of before it incorrectly. For example:
    • Juan convinced me to buy me this book. (Correct: convinced that …)
    • ¿ What are you talking about? (Correct: what are you talking about …)
    • I didn’t realize that it had started to rain. (Correct: realize that …)
  9. Solecism . Use a poor or incorrect grammatical construction . For example :
    • Diana does n’t remember when my birthday is. (Correct: you don’t remember / don’t remember )
    • The dog escaped me . (Correct:It escaped me).
  10. Metathesis . Alternate sounds within a word. For example:
    • Estógamo  (Correct: stomach )
    • Burn it (Right: bat)
  11. Lexical poverty . Use the same word repeatedly and abusively, when there are others that are more appropriate and precise. For example:
    • Juan said a very emotional speech . (Correct: Pronounce a speech)
    • In my neighborhood they made a huge building . (Correct: They built a building)
    • The patio has 20 square meters . (Correct: The yard measures 20 square meters)
  12. Impropriety . Use words improperly, assigning incorrect meanings.
    • The music was very strong for my liking . (High)
    • The fish tank is full of colorful fish . (Fishes)
    • I did not hear any explosion. (Hear)
  13. Idiocy . Break the grammar rules. It may involve the invention of words that do not exist or form sentences that are grammatically wrong. For example:
    • This shirt is less worse than the other . (Correct: it’s better)
    • That expulsion was unfair . (Instead of saying “expulsion”)
    • Calm down , everything will be fine . (Instead of saying “calm down”)
    • I miss you so much . (Instead of saying “very much”)
  14. Cacophonic hiatus . Repeat the same vowel in nearby words or syllables, causing an awkward or unpleasant sound. For example:
    • It is a cua dro ho rrible.
    • You will love the work .
  15. Pleonasm or redundancy . Use words unnecessarily, which add nothing to the idea you are trying to convey. For example:
    • Cold ice cream
    • Red blood
    • Go up
    • Honey bee
    • To go outside
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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