Understanding Kalam Science According to Experts & Scope

Understanding kalam science According to experts & their Scope  – Speaking about the science of kalam, it must be more directed and emphasized on a thought to defend Islam from various threats and challenges from outside. The kalam scientists (mutakallimin) make theological issues as the subject of study. Some kalam experts explain the meaning of kalam science. The following will be examined together with the scope of the Kalam Science itself.

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  • 1Understanding Kalam Science According to Experts & Scope
    • 1Definition of Kalam Science
      • 1.1Sheikh Muhammad Abduh
      • 1.2Ibn Kholdun
      • 1.3Mustafa Abdul Raziq
      • 1.4Al-Farabi
    • 2Scope of Kalam Science
    • 3Share this:
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Understanding Kalam Science According to Experts & Scope

Let us first discuss the understanding of kalam science.

Understanding Kalam Science

The following are some meanings of kalam science.

Sheikh Muhammad Abduh

Explaining the science of kalam as a science that discusses the form of God, the obligatory qualities that exist for Him, the qualities that are attributed to Him, from the attributes that are not available to Him, also discusses the messengers of Allah to establish the truth of his treatise, what must be in him, the things that are connected to them, and the forbidden things that are connected to them.

Ibn Kholdun

Explain the science of kalam as a science which contains reasons to maintain the beliefs of faith by using the postulates of the mind and contains arguments against people who deviate from the beliefs of the salaf and Sunnah experts. According to him, this kalam science rests on the pillars of faith that must be trusted by every Muslim in order to obtain salvation in this world and the hereafter. This pillar of faith must be proven in a rational way.


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Mustafa Abdul Raziq

Explain the science of kalam as a science that is very closely related to the belief of one’s faith or aqeedah that comes from rational arguments.


Is a Muslim figure who was a genius during his heyday. He proposed kalam science as a study of the unity of Allah’s unity and the nature of its substance and its properties and their existence, starting with regard to the problems of the world to problems after death based on Islamic doctrine.

The science of kalam is often also called the knowledge of monotheism or usululudin. The subject of monotheism focuses on the oneness of God both oneness and oneness. The science of kalam is also called the Aqidah or Ushuludin Science. This is because many talk about issues related to beliefs and the fundamentals of religious teachings. For Christians, kalam science is called  theology .

Kalam Scope

The scope of the discussion of natural science includes several things, namely:

  • Matters relating to Allah SWT.
  • Matters relating to the apostle of God as a connector or bearer of the message to humans, such as: angels, prophets and apostles and some holy books. Matters relating to life to come, such as the day of resurrection, the torment of the grave, heaven and hell .

According to Hasan Al-Banna , the scope of discussion of kalam science includes:

  • Illahiyat , namely the study of everything related to God, such as the form of Allah, the names of Allah, the attributes of Allah, af’al Allah etc.
  • Nubuwat , namely the study of everything related to prophets and apostles including discussion of the books of God, miracles, karomah etc.
  • Ruhaniyat , namely the study of everything related to the metaphysical realm, such as angels, jinns, demons, Satan etc.
  • Sam’iyat , namely the study of everything that can only be known through sam’i (the proof of naqli or in the form of the Qur’an and sunna) such as the realms of barzakh, afterlife, tomb adzab, heaven and hell etc.


by Abdullah Sam
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