Types of flowers

A flower is considered as the main structure of the reproductive system of a plant. Through the flowers a plant guarantees its reproduction, since the flowers produce seeds, which are one of the essential elements for the reproduction of the plant. Flowers are a very important part of a plant. They appear at certain moments in the life cycle of the plant, in addition to having different structural and genetic characteristics. The flowers are easily distinguishable from the rest of the plant, both for their location and their physical characteristics. Many of them are usually brightly colored, large in size, and have an organized structure of accumulation of leaves. In addition, the vast majority are very aromatic.

In addition to their biological importance, flowers also have relevance in social life. Mainly because they have been admired for their beauty or for their symbolism. It is well known that many cultures, both ancient and contemporary, have referred to a plant as a symbol of some kind. In fact, flowers are also an object of worship, which is why many people around the world like to collect them. Likewise, the flowers are also used to make different products, both infusions, perfumes, necklaces and even food and drinks.

Types of flowers:

Gamopétalas: this type of flower is characterized by having the petals united, partially or totally. Within these flowers we have those that are funnel-shaped, those that resemble a tube, those that resemble lips since they are split in half and those that are bell-shaped.

Types of flowers, gamopétalas

Dialipethalas: these flowers, contrary to the previous ones, have as a fundamental feature that their petals are not united. In this case there are flowers that are divided into whorls, those that have a shape very similar to those of the body of butterflies, those that have a cross shape and the pink ones that, as their name says, have five organized petals. as do roses.

Actinomorphic flowers: they are the flowers that have a structural symmetry. This means that the shape of these flowers is similar, so they can be divided into two equal parts.

Zygomorphic: they are the flowers that do not have a bilateral symmetry. Therefore, they are flowers that are not structurally similar and cannot be divided in two. This means that these flowers only have a plane of structural or shape similarity.

by Abdullah Sam
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