Types of dogs

Without a doubt, the dog is one of the most popular animal species among human beings. It is a subspecies of wolves that was domesticated thousands of years ago. Dogs are carnivorous mammals of the canine family, having different physical characteristics depending on the breed. Therefore, some of them have more hair than others, their size can vary, as well as their coat color and physical abilities. Dogs have highly developed senses of smell and hearing. In fact, most of them are used in tasks where they put these skills into practice. But above all, as we know, dogs are considered “man’s best friend”, thanks to their loyalty, companionship and intelligence.

Currently, dogs, in addition to companion animals and pets, are also used in different environments or to perform various tasks. In this way, dogs are used for hunting, assisting the blind, in identifying drugs and other substances, for rescuing people, as security guards, as shepherds, and even as athletes participating in speed races. For its part, dogs are the most diverse species in the world since it has around 800 different species. Obviously this is due to the domestication process and the different uses that the dog has had for thousands of years. That is why a much simpler classification of dogs is made according to the type of function they fulfill.

Types of dogs:

Assistance dogs: as the name implies, this type of dog is used to assist or help someone with a disability, such as the blind. Therefore, these dogs guide their master, helping him to walk or move through the streets. These types of dogs are of great help as they become the eyes of their master. The breeds most used for this type of activity are the Retriever, Golden or German Shepherd.

Types of dogs, assistance

Companion dogs: without a doubt, these types of dogs are the most popular, since they serve as pets for thousands of people around the world. Although some of them have specific abilities, the truth is that many of them are only used to accompany their masters.

Dogs for sports: this type of dog, as its name implies, is used mainly for sports activities such as racing or hunting. They are dogs that can have specific anatomical characteristics that make them very fast or a highly developed sense of smell that helps them find certain types of prey or foods such as truffles.

Dogs for security: these types of dogs are those that are used for military, police or security actions. In some cases they are used to identify explosives, drugs and other hazardous materials. For their part, some of them also serve to find lost or trapped people. In some cases even these dogs are used to attack other people. Obviously, this last type of dog is characterized by its fierceness and strength.

Load or drag dogs : these dogs are used to transport objects or light goods. For example, at the North Pole some dogs are used to pull sleds or, in other parts of the world, to transport goods.

Herding dogs: obviously, this type of dog does a herding job. That is, they are responsible for moving a group of animals such as sheep, ducks and even cows. They are very intelligent and skillful dogs that fulfill the function that is asked of them.

Exhibition dogs : these dogs, as their name indicates, are those that are bred to participate in exhibition tournaments or contests where the physical characteristics of these animals, their abilities, beauty and qualities are rewarded. Therefore, they are very well cared for and beautiful dogs that can be of any breed.

by Abdullah Sam
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