Types of animals

As we well know, animals are a group of living beings that have different characteristics, so they can be eukaryotic, heterotrophic, multicellular and tissue. However, all animals are characterized by the ability to move by themselves and by their embryonic development. Animals are grouped within the Animalia kingdom. Likewise, animals generally feed on other living beings such as animals of other species or plants. However, some species that have been domesticated (such as dogs, cats, cows, horses, pigs, etc.) sometimes feed on products that, although made with natural ingredients, are processed by humans to better feed them and obtain more benefits from them.
Making a classification of the different types of animals that exist can be difficult, since the variety is very large. That is why some classifications focus on the physical characteristics of each of the animals, their physiological functions, the ways in which they move, the places where they live, etc.

Types of animals:

Vertebrate animals: as the name implies, this type of animal is characterized by having a skeleton and a backbone. Therefore, these animals have bones and a well-defined bone structure.

Invertebrate animals: in contrast to the previous ones, these types of animals do not have a defined bone structure, with bones and, above all, a spinal column. However, these types of animals are the most numerous in the world.

Cows are vertebrates, mammals, and quadrupeds.

Herbivorous animals: these types of animals are those that eat plants or vegetables and do not eat meat. Therefore, their digestive system is different from the rest of the animals, in addition to that they do not develop strong fangs or claws to tear meat.

Carnivorous animals: as their name indicates, they are all those animals that base their diet on meat, which they extract from other animals. Therefore, these types of animals have strong and developed fangs, claws and a relatively agile and strong body.

Omnivorous animals: these types of animals eat both plants and vegetables as well as meat. Such is the case of the human being. These animals have a special digestive system that allows them to digest all kinds of food and obtain their nutrients from them. In reality, these types of animals are the least around the world.

Terrestrial animals : animals of this type are those that live and carry out their activities mainly on land. In this way, animals of this type acquire oxygen found in the air and commonly have a particular locomotor system.

Aquatic animals: are the animals that live and develop their activities in aquatic environments, especially the sea. Therefore, these types of animals are mostly fish and mollusks.

Amphibian animals: these types of animals are special, since they can live without problems both on land and in water. In this way, amphibian animals have a unique respiratory system that allows them to breathe underwater and in contact with the air.

Bipedal animals: are those animals whose locomotion occurs according to two limbs or legs. One of them is obviously the human being. You could say that these types of animals walk upright. That is, with its back vertically.

Quadruped animals: as their name implies, they are animals that walk or move thanks to or on four limbs or legs. These types of animals are the most common in the world. Of course, when you walk, your back is in a horizontal position or shape.

by Abdullah Sam
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