Unclogging a very clogged pipe can be a very tedious task if we do not have a pipe unclogging product on hand , however, fortunately there are certain home remedies that can help us get out of trouble. Do you want to discover them?

The manual pipe cleaner, a classic

Before specially formulated chemicals existed, the most common way to unclog pipes was to use a manual plunger. As you know, it works by suction when you pull the handle, thus extracting the dirt and retained water.

If you opt for this method, you have to repeat the movement several times and remove the dirt as it comes out to prevent it from being reintroduced.

Insert a wire

Another classic to solve the obstruction is to introduce a wire or some thin and flexible element that helps to break the plug that has formed inside the pipe and thus release it.

Unclog the pipes with coke

Among the tricks of the grandmother we also find coca cola as a solution to solve the problem. The best way to do this is by pouring coca cola down the drain, in this way, the soda will seep through the dirt in the pipes, dissolving it. In this way, the water will circulate again through the pipe normally in a few minutes.

Boiling salted water

Another way to remove dirt from the inside of the pipe is by pouring boiling water with salt. To do this, heat a large container of salted water. And pour it, little by little into the drain so that it undoes the plug little by little.

Baking soda and vinegar, a very effective combination

Another inexpensive way to unclog a heavily clogged pipe is to use two very common household ingredients: baking soda and vinegar.

The way to use them is very simple, you just have to pour about five tablespoons of bicarbonate into the drain, or the equivalent of half a cup; and then a cup of vinegar.

When they come into contact inside the pipe, a chemical reaction will occur that will lead to the generation of foam. You should let the mixture sit for half an hour and then add boiling water to finish undoing the cap. In a few minutes the problem will be remembered.

How to prevent the pipe from clogging again?

It is important to avoid jamming it again, for this, you can follow a series of tips:

  • Do not pour oil or grease residues down the drain. Otherwise, it can accumulate on the walls of the pipe until they get clogged.
  • Do not throw food scraps down the drain that could clog the pipe. To do this, place protective grids on all taps.
  • As a prevention, periodically pour boiling water through the pipe so that it carries away any dirt that may accumulate on the walls of the pipe.

And speaking of clogging, coffee machine ducts are also usually quite prone to jamming. We are going to remind you of some tricks to clean the coffee maker correctly with which it will not happen again. Forget about traffic jams!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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