Together Price: what it is and how it works

Find out what it is and how Together Price works, the community to share subscriptions with friends, family or whoever you want.

Would you like to subscribe to streaming services to watch movies, TV series, listen to music and much more, but the subscriptions seem too expensive? Don’t worry, Together Price  is the right community for you!

Read on and find out what the service is and how it works  to share digital multi-account subscriptions with friends, family or whoever you want.

  1. What is Together Price
  2. How Together Price works
    1. How to create a sharing group on Together Price
    2. How to join a sharing group on Together Price

What is Together Price

Together Price is a platform that allows you to share the cost of online subscriptions with your friends, relatives or whoever you want, making you save up to 80% on the cost of the service.

It is a made in Italy solution  to simplify the sharing of expenses, very widespread among users of the various platforms, but often made difficult by the management of payments by all the parties involved. Thanks to  Together Price the management of payments is simplified, allowing you to save effortlessly and without the need to organize the collection of the fee month by month.

Together Price offers its users various functions capable of simplifying the experience on the platform: an internal chat, a digital wallet ( Wallet ) in which to collect the shares of the participants, a trusted network  that allows to guarantee the reliability of the user thanks to internal and personal verifications, and the possibility of verifying the sharing of credentials thanks to  TPassword (usable only with Netflix, Spotify Family and NowTv ).

Learn all about sharing your Netflix subscription here .

How Together Price works

Now that you know what Together Price is , let’s see together how it works and how to start saving through this advantageous service.

The first thing to do in order to create a sharing group or join an existing one , is to go to the official page of the platform (available only from browser, both desktop and mobile device) and register or sign up (with Google, Facebook or through the registration of your personal data).

You can use the service in two different ways: as  admin  (therefore as the creator of a sharing group) or as a  joiner (therefore as a participant in an existing sharing group). Subscription to the platform is free and there are no additional costs for admin accounts , while for joiners there  is a variable commission between 18 and 30% of the share sent in the group.

How to create a sharing group on Together Price

To create a sharing group on  Together Price , all you have to do is click on  create on the home page of the service, choose the category belonging to the service you want to share (you can also create a custom category  if it is not already present among the available choices ), enter the required information and choose whether to set the group to public or private.

If your group is public you will receive requests from other users that you can decide whether to accept or not, while if you are private you will have to invite interested people through the registration link.

Together Price  offers 4 different categories, also depending on those allowed by the service you have selected: household, family, work team and friends.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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