The Importance of Mindset to Build Success

Success can be achieved in several ways, such as studying hard and working optimally. The success factor that may often be considered not so important is the mindset or mindset . Most people focus more on pushing themselves at work, or competing for an award without thinking about many factors. An international writer, Tony Robbis stated that success is determined by 20% talent and intelligence, and 80% psychological. This is because of the mindsetor mindset is very influential on everyone’s success.

Therefore, developing a certain mindset really helps us achieve our goals, enjoy life, and become more successful. But what exactly is the mindset or mindset that must be inside to build success? Check out the explanation below, come on!

What is Mindset?

Mindset consists of the words mind and set where the mind is defined as a source of thought and memory that produces feelings, thoughts, ideas and stores knowledge. The word set has the meaning of prioritizing increasing ability in an activity. Mindset or mindset is defined as a collection of thoughts that are formed according to experience with beliefs so that they can influence a person’s behavior or way of thinking and determine an attitude, view to one’s future. There are several definitions of mindset according to experts, namely as follows,

Understanding Mindset according to Experts:

  1. According to Gunawan (2007:14) Mindset or mindset are beliefs that influence a person’s attitude; a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines a person’s behavior and views, attitudes, and future.
  2. In the book Mindset Revolution for Smart Teen by Fani Kartikasari (2009:11) it is stated that mindset   is a mindset that will determine actions. This action will bring us closer (or even farther) from our dreams and ideals. So, it is very important for us to have a ‘ star mindset ‘, which will lead us to become real stars!”
  3. Meanwhile, according to dr. Ibrahin Elfiky, mindset is a collection of thoughts that occur many times in various places and times and are strengthened by beliefs and projections so that they become a reality that can be ascertained in the same place and time.