Ten tips to avoid gaining weight when you peck between meals

To lose weight or maintain weight, all nutritionists recommend not eating between meals. That yes, make five meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus lunch, mid-morning, and snack, mid-afternoon. Outside these hours, it is best not to peck, something that is sometimes very difficult. The nutritionist Maribel Lopera, a collaborator of smartsalus.com, offers ten tips to avoid falling into that snacking, or if we neglect so that the intake does not fatten or end the diet that we have been following for some time:

  1. Maintain a positive attitude: What most distracts the compulsive appetite are positive thoughts. “A better attitude, acceptance of reality, good humor, talking to people, sharing, exercising, caring for others,” says Lopera, who will release the anxiety we have in our heads about food.
  2. Prepare snacks in advance: One of the main keys is to have attractive snacks prepared for when those moments of anxiety appear. Taking them elaborated from home and eating them slowly will help a lot to avoid falling into other types of food that are excessively caloric.

3. Poorly crushed foods: Ideally, they should be snacks of less than 100 calories and little crushed since chewing lengthens and increases satiety.

  1. Better cooked: It is convenient that foods are cooked and not raw, that they are neither too sweet nor too salty. That is, better processed snacks than buy and fast consumption.
  2. Consume it on a plate: Eat the snack on a plate, sitting at the table, with a spoon, knife and fork to become aware of the intake.
  3. Eat every two hours: Eat food every two hours until you lose the desire for compulsive snacking.
  4. Do not wait to feel hungry: Get ahead, do not wait until hunger tightens.
  5. Eat before exercise: Try to eat before doing physical activity and before you have appetite or fatigue. To do this, better mark notices.
  6. If you sin, do not blame yourself: In case of abundant pecking, do not blame yourself, resolve it by reducing the next lunch or dinner and accept that it is a consequence of a situation and try again the next time, preparing a better strategy.
  7. Suggestions for snacks: Some of the snacks with less than 100 calories are: can of asparagus with mayonnaise, avocado with shrimp and basil, berries and oatmeal cereals with fresh or Greek cheese, slices of apples with oil, salt and pepper in the microwave , skimmed yogurt with cocoa sprinkled and a little honey, apple or pears with skin in the microwave to chunks with lemon, cinnamon and raisins.


by Abdullah Sam
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