Lose weight and gain weight in The Sims 4

Health is one of the issues that most concerns many people today, even more after several years of global pandemic and confinement for months. The Sims 4 also has its own health system with which you can lose weight or gain weight depending on your actions. It’s a bit more complex than what was seen in GTA San Andreas , but it doesn’t stray too far either.

Lose weight and gain weight in The Sims 4

There are several ways to lose weight or gain weight quickly in The Sims 4, but first I want to tell you what the natural method is in case you don’t want to resort to faster methods or tricks.

The normal method is to exercise with the machines available in the store, have a healthy diet and healthy habits that allow you to have high statistics (being rested, happy, etc). If you want to gain weight, don’t exercise and eat junk food frequently. Having said the obvious, now I will tell you the two ways to do it quickly.

Use the alchemy of The Sims 4

In The Sims 4 there are two potions to change your physical appearance: Instant Strength or Instant Slim , which makes you gain weight or lose weight immediately. You can find both in the Aspiration Rewards Store with satisfaction points.

Tricks to fatten or slim

Potions and the normal method are not worth your time and you want it all by yesterday, so you can resort to cheats . The first step is the same as always: open the console with the commands for each platform.

  • PC:Control + Shift + C
  • PS4:L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
  • Xbox One:LB + LT + RB + RT

The second step is to enter the command testingcheats true followed by cas.fulleditmode . Once this is done, press on the character to open their options and some that were not there before will appear. The one you’re interested in is called Modify in CUS , which opens creation mode and allows you to customize your character once again.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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